
  • Easter

    英:[ˈi:stə(r)]   美: [ˈistɚ] 

    Easter 基本解释


    1. (基督教的)复活节
        Easter is a Christian festival when Jesus Christ's return to life is celebrated. It is celebrated on a Sunday in March or April.

        e.g. 'Happy Easter,' he yelled.
        e.g. ...the first Easter morning.

    2. 复活节假期
        Easter is the period of several days around and including Easter Sunday.

        e.g. They usually have a walking holiday at Easter...
        e.g. She spends her Easter holidays taking groups of children to France...


    1. (基督教的)复活节
        Easter is a Christian festival when Jesus Christ's return to life is celebrated. It is celebrated on a Sunday in March or April.

        e.g. 'Happy Easter,' he yelled.
        e.g. ...the first Easter morning.

    2. 复活节假期
        Easter is the period of several days around and including Easter Sunday.

        e.g. They usually have a walking holiday at Easter...
        e.g. She spends her Easter holidays taking groups of children to France...

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