
  • advance

    英:[ədˈvɑ:ns]   美: [ədˈvæns] 

    advance 基本解释

    及物动词预付; 提出; (使)前进; 将…提前

    不及物动词(数量等)增加; 向前推(至下一步); 上涨

    名词增长; 借款; (价格、价值的)上涨; 预付款

    形容词预先的; 先行的

    advance 相关词组


    1. in advance : 预先;


    advance 相关例句



    1. We will advance him some money for traveling expenses.

    2. The Government of Iran advanced the price of petroleum last week.


    1. Rice has advanced fifteen cents a pound.


    1. advance在线翻译

    1. Remarkable advances have been made in space science.

    advance 网络解释

    1. 放款:我们通常的放款(advance)额是按我们估计的来自第三方付款人(payors)的合格的(eligible)应收款中可回收净额(net collectible value)的70-85%. 客户们根据以我们为受益人的银行收款箱和自动转存安排(lockbox collection and sweep arrangement)来开票和收款(bill and collect).

    2. 垫款:当然,这些指标有些时候能够提供恰当的...垫款(advance) 垫款是指银行在客户无力支付到期款项的情况下,被迫以自有资金代为支付的行为. 由于银行是被动地代为支付,而且客户的无力支付往往不是由于暂时性的资金周转困难,

    1. (常指为攻击而)前进,推进
        To advance means to move forward, often in order to attack someone.

        e.g. Reports from Chad suggest that rebel forces are advancing on the capital...
        e.g. The water is advancing at a rate of 5cm a day...

    2. (尤指知识)发展,进步
        To advance means to make progress, especially in your knowledge of something.

        e.g. Medical technology has advanced considerably...
        e.g. Japan has advanced from a rural, feudal society to an urban, industrial power.

    3. 贷给;预付;预支
        If you advance someone a sum of money, you lend it to them, or pay it to them earlier than arranged.

        e.g. I advanced him some money, which he would repay on our way home...
        e.g. The bank advanced $1.2 billion to help the country with debt repayments.

    4. 贷款;预付款
        An advance is money which is lent or paid to someone before they would normally receive it.


        e.g. She was paid a £100,000 advance for her next two novels.

    5. 提前(未来事件的日期);使(未来事件)提前发生
        To advance an event, or the time or date of an event, means to bring it forward to an earlier time or date.

        e.g. Too much protein in the diet may advance the ageing process...
        e.g. The country's election commission has advanced the date of parliamentary elections by three days.

    6. 促进,推动(事业、利益或主张);使加速
        If you advance a cause, interest, or claim, you support it and help to make it successful.

        e.g. When not producing art of his own, Oliver was busy advancing the work of others.

    7. 提出(理论、论点)
        When a theory or argument is advanced, it is put forward for discussion.


        e.g. Many theories have been advanced as to why some women suffer from depression...
        e.g. An important set of ideas have been advanced by the biologist Rupert Sheldrake.

    8. (常指军事行动中的)前进,行进,推进
        An advance is a forward movement of people or vehicles, usually as part of a military operation.

        e.g. ...an advance on enemy positions...
        e.g. The defences are intended to obstruct any advance by tanks and other vehicles.

    9. 挑逗;勾引
        If you make advances to someone, you try to start a sexual relationship with them.

        e.g. Mark had for some time been making advances towards her...
        e.g. She rejected his advances during the trip to Cannes.

    10. 进步;进展
        An advance in a particular subject or activity is progress in understanding it or in doing it well.

        e.g. Air safety has not improved since the dramatic advances of the 1970s...
        e.g. Their progress at work was mirrored by their children's educational advance.

    11. 改进;改善
          If something is an advance on what was previously available or done, it is better in some way.


          e.g. This could be an advance on the present situation.

    12. 预先的;事先的
          Advance booking, notice, or warning is done or given before an event happens.


          e.g. They don't normally give any advance notice about which building they're going to inspect...
          e.g. The event received little advance publicity.

    13. 先行的;先遣的
          An advance party or group is a small group of people who go on ahead of the main group.

          e.g. The 20-strong advance party will be followed by another 600 soldiers as part of UN relief efforts.

    14. 在…的前面;在…之前
          If one thing happens or is done in advance of another, it happens or is done before the other thing.

          e.g. I had asked everyone to submit questions in advance of the meeting.

    15. 提前;事先
          If you do something in advance, you do it before a particular date or event.

          e.g. The subject of the talk is announced a week in advance.


    1. (常指为攻击而)前进,推进
        To advance means to move forward, often in order to attack someone.

        e.g. Reports from Chad suggest that rebel forces are advancing on the capital...
        e.g. The water is advancing at a rate of 5cm a day...

    2. (尤指知识)发展,进步
        To advance means to make progress, especially in your knowledge of something.

        e.g. Medical technology has advanced considerably...
        e.g. Japan has advanced from a rural, feudal society to an urban, industrial power.

    3. 贷给;预付;预支
        If you advance someone a sum of money, you lend it to them, or pay it to them earlier than arranged.

        e.g. I advanced him some money, which he would repay on our way home...
        e.g. The bank advanced $1.2 billion to help the country with debt repayments.

    4. 贷款;预付款
        An advance is money which is lent or paid to someone before they would normally receive it.


        e.g. She was paid a £100,000 advance for her next two novels.

    5. 提前(未来事件的日期);使(未来事件)提前发生
        To advance an event, or the time or date of an event, means to bring it forward to an earlier time or date.

        e.g. Too much protein in the diet may advance the ageing process...
        e.g. The country's election commission has advanced the date of parliamentary elections by three days.

    6. 促进,推动(事业、利益或主张);使加速
        If you advance a cause, interest, or claim, you support it and help to make it successful.

        e.g. When not producing art of his own, Oliver was busy advancing the work of others.

    7. 提出(理论、论点)
        When a theory or argument is advanced, it is put forward for discussion.


        e.g. Many theories have been advanced as to why some women suffer from depression...
        e.g. An important set of ideas have been advanced by the biologist Rupert Sheldrake.

    8. (常指军事行动中的)前进,行进,推进
        An advance is a forward movement of people or vehicles, usually as part of a military operation.

        e.g. ...an advance on enemy positions...
        e.g. The defences are intended to obstruct any advance by tanks and other vehicles.

    9. 挑逗;勾引
        If you make advances to someone, you try to start a sexual relationship with them.

        e.g. Mark had for some time been making advances towards her...
        e.g. She rejected his advances during the trip to Cannes.

    10. 进步;进展
        An advance in a particular subject or activity is progress in understanding it or in doing it well.

        e.g. Air safety has not improved since the dramatic advances of the 1970s...
        e.g. Their progress at work was mirrored by their children's educational advance.

    11. 改进;改善
          If something is an advance on what was previously available or done, it is better in some way.


          e.g. This could be an advance on the present situation.

    12. 预先的;事先的
          Advance booking, notice, or warning is done or given before an event happens.


          e.g. They don't normally give any advance notice about which building they're going to inspect...
          e.g. The event received little advance publicity.

    13. 先行的;先遣的
          An advance party or group is a small group of people who go on ahead of the main group.

          e.g. The 20-strong advance party will be followed by another 600 soldiers as part of UN relief efforts.

    14. 在…的前面;在…之前
          If one thing happens or is done in advance of another, it happens or is done before the other thing.

          e.g. I had asked everyone to submit questions in advance of the meeting.

    15. 提前;事先
          If you do something in advance, you do it before a particular date or event.

          e.g. The subject of the talk is announced a week in advance.

    advance 情景对话

    Placing an order-(下定单)

    A:How are you this afternoon?

    B:Just fine. I looked over the catalog you gave me this morning, and I'd like to discuss prices on your computer speakers.

    A:Very good. Here is our price list.

    B:Let me see . . . I see that your listed price for the K-two-one model is ten U.S. dollars. Do you offer quantity discounts?
          我看看……。你们K-2-1 型的标价是美金十块钱。你们有提供大量订购的折扣吗?

    A:We sure do. We give a five percent discount for orders of a hundred or more.
          当然有。100 或以上的订单我们有百分之五的折扣。

    B:What kind of discount could you give me if I were to place an order for six hundred units?


    A:On an order of six hundred, we can give you a discount of ten percent.

    B:What about lead time?

    A:We could ship your order within ten days of receiving your payment.

    B:So, you require payment in advance of shipment?


    A:Yes. You could wire transfer the payment into our bank account or open a letter of credit in our favor.

    B:I'd like to go ahead and place an order for six hundred units.


    A:Great! I'll just fill out the purchase order and have you sign it.

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