
  • affection

    英:[əˈfekʃn]   美: [əˈfɛkʃən] 

    affection 基本解释

    名词喜爱,慈爱; 情感或感情; 意向; 疾病,病情

    affection 相关例句


    1. Love, fear and hope are affections of the mind.

    2. Her affections were centered on her cousin.

    3. The boy is suffering from an affection of the ear.

    4. She has a great affection for her hometown.

    affection 网络解释

    1. affection的翻译

    1. 爱情:今天,爱情(Affection)与情(Amativeness)的界线混乱不清;若按照原初爱情的美好,人们对此的想往,实在没有什么好自责的;只是罪使人们逃脱不掉,在其中混杂著欲望的成份.

    2. 影响:但与前者多少不同的是,联想本身包含了作为背景的知觉场与其中的个别突出物(感觉场)之间的对比,因此它具有某种影响(Affection)或影响力(affektive Kraft),能够对自我产生刺激(Reiz)、引起自我的注意,并使自我的兴趣或注意力发生转向(Zuwendung).

    1. 喜爱;喜欢
        If you regard someone or something with affection, you like them and are fond of them.

        e.g. She thought of him with affection...
        e.g. She had developed quite an affection for the place.

    2. 爱慕;钟爱之情
        Your affections are your feelings of love or fondness for someone.

        e.g. The distant object of his affections is Caroline...
        e.g. Jack Russell has a special place in the affections of the cricketing public.


    1. 喜爱;喜欢
        If you regard someone or something with affection, you like them and are fond of them.

        e.g. She thought of him with affection...
        e.g. She had developed quite an affection for the place.

    2. 爱慕;钟爱之情
        Your affections are your feelings of love or fondness for someone.

        e.g. The distant object of his affections is Caroline...
        e.g. Jack Russell has a special place in the affections of the cricketing public.

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