
  • apologize

    英:[əˈpɒlədʒaɪz]   美: [əˈpɑ:lədʒaɪz] 

    apologize 基本解释

    不及物动词道歉,认错; 辩解,辩护

    apologize 相关例句


    1. apologize的反义词

    1. I apologized to her for stepping on her foot.

    2. He apologized to her for not going to her party.

    3. I must apologize for calling you so late.

    4. apologize在线翻译

    4. I have come to apologize to you.


    5. I must apologize for the untidy state of the room.

    apologize 网络解释

    1. 很好,不错:wind it up----赞!赞! | apologize----很好,不错! | bad boys sad girls----这首个很有意思的,赞!

    2. 道歉(提姆巴兰混音版):12 Come Home 回家 | 13 Dreaming Out Loud 梦不落 | 14 Apologize 道歉(提姆巴兰混音版)

    3. 对不起:Apologize 对不起 | I'm holding on your rope 我紧紧握着你给的希望 | Got me ten feet off the ground 它让我双脚悬空

    in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 apologise 词典解释

    in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 apologise

    apologize 情景对话


    A:Hi Diane, do you have a minute?

    B:Sure, what’s up?

    A:Well, I just wanted to apologize for my behavior lately. I just haven’t been myself.


    B:You have been acting a little strange.

    A:No, not just a little. I’ve been really rude to you and I’m sorry. I know you must think I’m a fair-weather friend.

    B:To be honest, I was a little hurt, but I figured that you must be having a difficult time right now in your life.


    A:You’re right, I am. But that’s no excuse to treat you poorly. Will you forgive me?

    B:Of course I will. That’s what friends are for! So tell me, how is your sister?

    A:She’s still in the hospital.

    B:Do the doctors know what’s wrong with her yet?

    A:No, they’re still doing tests and trying to figure out new medications in the hope that something will work.

    B:How is she holding up?

    A:She’s the same as always, surprisingly enough! She’s always been the funny one and she still is. Even at a time like this, she’s making jokes. She’s amazing.

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