
  • apparatus

    英:[ˌæpəˈreɪtəs]   美: [ˌæpəˈrætəs] 

    apparatus 基本解释

    名词仪器,器械; 机器; 机构,机关; 器官


    apparatus 相关例句


    1. apparatus的解释

    1. They have installed wireless apparatus on board.

    2. There is sports apparatus in the gym.

    3. The city's security apparatus needs reforming.

    1. 机构;组织
        The apparatus of an organization or system is its structure and method of operation.

        e.g. For many years, the country had been buried under the apparatus of the regime.
        e.g. ...a massive bureaucratic apparatus.

    2. 器械;器具;仪器;设备
        Apparatus is the equipment, such as tools and machines, which is used to do a particular job or activity.

        e.g. One of the boys had to be rescued by firemen wearing breathing apparatus.


    1. 机构;组织
        The apparatus of an organization or system is its structure and method of operation.

        e.g. For many years, the country had been buried under the apparatus of the regime.
        e.g. ...a massive bureaucratic apparatus.

    2. 器械;器具;仪器;设备
        Apparatus is the equipment, such as tools and machines, which is used to do a particular job or activity.

        e.g. One of the boys had to be rescued by firemen wearing breathing apparatus.

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