
  • apparent

    英:[əˈpærənt]   美: [əˈpærənt, əˈpɛr-] 

    apparent 基本解释

    形容词易看见的,可看见的; 显然的,明明白白的; 貌似的,表面的; 显见

    apparent 相关例句


    1. It was apparent to all of us.

    2. His guilt is apparent.

    3. The apparent cause of his illness was excessive drinking, but the real cause was his deep grief at his wife's death.

    4. It was apparent that he was in no condition to travel.

    5. Their apparent grief turned to crazy laughter in a minute.

    apparent 网络解释

    1. 表面的:巴特勒的论证意思是说,只要我们在真实的(veridical)记忆和表面的(apparent)记忆之间做出区分,便会毫无困难地承认,人们可能会记住他们做了实际上是别人所为的,而并非是他们自己做出的那些事情.

    2. 表观:该值等于表观(apparent)吸收率(10.2~14.1%)与体内(胆汁、胰液等)自身排泄率(8.0~10.0%)之和;如果改变食物中锰含量(1.5~100mg/kg),对表观吸收(10μgMn/d)没有显著影响,而真实吸收随食物中锰浓度增加而显著增加.

    1. 貌似的;表面上的;似乎真实的
        An apparent situation, quality, or feeling seems to exist, although you cannot be certain that it does exist.

        e.g. I was a bit depressed by our apparent lack of progress...
        e.g. There is at last an apparent end to the destructive price war.

    2. 明显的;显而易见的
        If something is apparent to you, it is clear and obvious to you.

        e.g. It has been apparent that in other areas standards have held up well...
        e.g. The presence of a star is already apparent in the early film.

    3. 原因不明;不知何故
        If you say that something happens for no apparent reason, you cannot understand why it happens.


        e.g. The person may become dizzy for no apparent reason.


    1. 貌似的;表面上的;似乎真实的
        An apparent situation, quality, or feeling seems to exist, although you cannot be certain that it does exist.

        e.g. I was a bit depressed by our apparent lack of progress...
        e.g. There is at last an apparent end to the destructive price war.

    2. 明显的;显而易见的
        If something is apparent to you, it is clear and obvious to you.

        e.g. It has been apparent that in other areas standards have held up well...
        e.g. The presence of a star is already apparent in the early film.

    3. 原因不明;不知何故
        If you say that something happens for no apparent reason, you cannot understand why it happens.


        e.g. The person may become dizzy for no apparent reason.

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