
  • appear

    英:[əˈpɪə(r)]   美: [əˈpɪr] 

    appear 基本解释

    不及物动词发表; 出现,显现; 出庭,出场; 演出

    appear 相关例句


    3. The famous singer is appearing this fall at the Music Festival.

    4. He appears quite young.

    5. appear的翻译

    5. They appear to have misunderstood me.

    appear 网络解释

    1. 出现:汉语中有些动词在及物方面对英语是起正迁移作用的,如买(buy)、看见(see)、抓住(seize)等等都是作及物动词,笑(laugh)、走(go)等等都用作不及物动词,而有些动词却是起负迁移作用的,如发生(happen或take place)、出现(appear)等等,汉语中它们常可作为及物动词来使用,

    2. 看起来:但通过快速的任务切换,一个多任务操作系统可以使它看起来(appear)好像每个任务并行执行一样. 这可以下面的示意图来描述(depicted). 它显示了有关(with respect to)时间的3个任务的执行模式. 任务名用颜色标注出来,写在左手边.

    1. 好像;似乎;看来
        If you say that something appears to be the way you describe it, you are reporting what you believe or what you have been told, though you cannot be sure it is true.

        e.g. There appears to be increasing support for the leadership to take a more aggressive stance...
        e.g. The aircraft appears to have crashed near Katmandu...

    2. 看起来;显得
        If someone or something appears to have a particular quality or characteristic, they give the impression of having that quality or characteristic.


        e.g. She did her best to appear more self-assured than she felt...
        e.g. He is anxious to appear a gentleman...

    3. 出现;显现
        When someone or something appears, they move into a position where you can see them.

        e.g. A woman appeared at the far end of the street...
        e.g. Last night some of the prisoners appeared on the roof.

    4. 开始存在;产生
        When something new appears, it begins to exist or reaches a stage of development where its existence can be noticed.

        e.g. ...small white flowers which appear in early summer...
        e.g. Slogans have appeared on walls around the city.

    5. (书籍等)出版,发表,问世
        When something such as a book appears, it is published or becomes available for people to buy.

        e.g. I could hardly wait for 'Boys' World' to appear each month.
        e.g. ...a poem which appeared in his last collection of verse.

    6. 演出;出场;表演
        When someone appears in something such as a play, a show, or a television programme, they take part in it.

        e.g. Jill Bennett became John Osborne's fourth wife, and appeared in several of his plays...
        e.g. Student leaders appeared on television to ask for calm.

    7. 出庭;到案
        When someone appears before a court of law or before an official committee, they go there in order to answer charges or to give information as a witness.


        e.g. Two other executives appeared at Worthing Magistrates' Court charged with tax fraud...
        e.g. The American will appear before members of the disciplinary committee at Portman Square.


    1. 好像;似乎;看来
        If you say that something appears to be the way you describe it, you are reporting what you believe or what you have been told, though you cannot be sure it is true.

        e.g. There appears to be increasing support for the leadership to take a more aggressive stance...
        e.g. The aircraft appears to have crashed near Katmandu...

    2. 看起来;显得
        If someone or something appears to have a particular quality or characteristic, they give the impression of having that quality or characteristic.


        e.g. She did her best to appear more self-assured than she felt...
        e.g. He is anxious to appear a gentleman...

    3. 出现;显现
        When someone or something appears, they move into a position where you can see them.

        e.g. A woman appeared at the far end of the street...
        e.g. Last night some of the prisoners appeared on the roof.

    4. 开始存在;产生
        When something new appears, it begins to exist or reaches a stage of development where its existence can be noticed.

        e.g. ...small white flowers which appear in early summer...
        e.g. Slogans have appeared on walls around the city.

    5. (书籍等)出版,发表,问世
        When something such as a book appears, it is published or becomes available for people to buy.

        e.g. I could hardly wait for 'Boys' World' to appear each month.
        e.g. ...a poem which appeared in his last collection of verse.

    6. 演出;出场;表演
        When someone appears in something such as a play, a show, or a television programme, they take part in it.

        e.g. Jill Bennett became John Osborne's fourth wife, and appeared in several of his plays...
        e.g. Student leaders appeared on television to ask for calm.

    7. 出庭;到案
        When someone appears before a court of law or before an official committee, they go there in order to answer charges or to give information as a witness.


        e.g. Two other executives appeared at Worthing Magistrates' Court charged with tax fraud...
        e.g. The American will appear before members of the disciplinary committee at Portman Square.

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