
  • audit

    英:[ˈɔ:dɪt]   美: [ˈɔdɪt] 

    audit 基本解释


    及物动词审计,查账; 旁听


    audit 网络解释

    1. 审计学:Accounting是从财务管理中借鉴过来的,审计学(Audit)原是从会计学分化出来的一门学科,不晓得是哪个想出来的,简直是一坨屎!还有帐户管理(Account)需要Identification, Authentication, Authorization, Accounting这4步来进行访问控制,

    2. audit

    2. 检查:本工具箱包含网络地址恢复(Network Address Recovery)、MAC地址发现(Address Discovery)、网络监控器(Network Monitor)、DNS检查(Audit)和网络探测(Network Sonar)等30多种工具,共分为网络性能监控、网络发现、Cisco网络工具、网络监控、故障管理、IP地址管理和诊断等9类.

    1. 查(账);审计
        When an accountant audits an organization's accounts, he or she examines the accounts officially in order to make sure that they have been done correctly.

        e.g. Each year they audit our accounts and certify them as being true and fair.


    1. 查(账);审计
        When an accountant audits an organization's accounts, he or she examines the accounts officially in order to make sure that they have been done correctly.

        e.g. Each year they audit our accounts and certify them as being true and fair.

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