
  • cellar

    英:[ˈselə(r)]   美: [ˈsɛlɚ] 

    cellar 基本解释


    cellar 相关例句


    1. The wine has been cellared for ten years.


    1. That TV station was in the ratings cellar.

    2. The revitalized team came from the cellar to win the pennant.

    3. We're building a potato cellar.

    4. Our neighbor keeps a good cellar.

    cellar 网络解释

    2. 地下室:房子主人矮小,非常不起眼(insignificant),但是很愿意配合办案,他陪同(accompany)Hogan来到地下室(cellar)取出钱箱. 8. 正当他们准备离开时,三个人(trio)走进屋子,穿着制服,原来屋子的主人就是警察局长(chief).


    3. 窖:在地窖(Cellar)里有一条小河流,船坞旁,青蛙的嘴里都可钓到鳗鱼. (青蛙的嘴里可以钓到鳗鱼但是在Malcolm 第二次回到凯兰迪亚之後,夜晚中的凯兰迪亚) Q:取得伪装 默剧小丑 的服装?先丢一条鳗鱼在默剧小丑的身上,等一会他就会去洗澡.

    1. 地窖;地下室
        A cellar is a room underneath a building, which is often used for storing things in.


        e.g. The box of papers had been stored in a cellar at the family home.

    2. (私人或饭店的)酒窖
        A person's or restaurant's cellar is the collection of different wines that they have.

        e.g. ...the restaurant's extensive wine cellar.


    1. 地窖;地下室
        A cellar is a room underneath a building, which is often used for storing things in.


        e.g. The box of papers had been stored in a cellar at the family home.

    2. (私人或饭店的)酒窖
        A person's or restaurant's cellar is the collection of different wines that they have.

        e.g. ...the restaurant's extensive wine cellar.

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