
  • ceremony

    英:[ˈserəməni]   美: [ˈserəmoʊni] 

    ceremony 基本解释

    ceremony 相关词组

    1. stand on ceremony : 客气, 讲客套;

    ceremony 相关例句


    1. ceremony的反义词

    1. The wedding ceremony was held on April fifteenth.

    2. There need be no ceremony between us.

    3. They use much ceremony with each other.

    4. The marriage ceremony took place in the church.

    5. ceremony

    5. What the old headmaster said at the graduation ceremony dwells in my mind.

    ceremony 网络解释

    1. 仪式:本文试从分析西尔科的代表作<<仪式)(Ceremony)入手.认识传统印第安母系社会以及一个印第安女性与自然有着紧密联系的神话世界. (共3页)

    2. ceremony的解释

    2. 礼仪:<<包子>>是中华民族传承文化饮食宝库中的美味佳肴,是文化揉合面道工艺封裹食物的汁、馅,经过恰到好处的烹饪加工,造形成包状的通俗礼仪(ceremony)文化食品.

    1. 仪式;典礼
        A ceremony is a formal event such as a wedding.


        e.g. ...his grandmother's funeral, a private ceremony attended only by the family...
        e.g. Today's award ceremony took place at the British Embassy in Tokyo.

    2. 礼节;礼数;客套
        Ceremony consists of the special things that are said and done on very formal occasions.

        e.g. The Republic was proclaimed in public with great ceremony.
        e.g. ...the pomp and ceremony of the Pope's visit.

    3. 很快地;随意地
        If you do something without ceremony, you do it quickly and in a casual way.

        e.g. 'Is Hilton here?' she asked without ceremony.

    4. see also: master of ceremonies


    1. 仪式;典礼
        A ceremony is a formal event such as a wedding.


        e.g. ...his grandmother's funeral, a private ceremony attended only by the family...
        e.g. Today's award ceremony took place at the British Embassy in Tokyo.

    2. 礼节;礼数;客套
        Ceremony consists of the special things that are said and done on very formal occasions.

        e.g. The Republic was proclaimed in public with great ceremony.
        e.g. ...the pomp and ceremony of the Pope's visit.

    3. 很快地;随意地
        If you do something without ceremony, you do it quickly and in a casual way.

        e.g. 'Is Hilton here?' she asked without ceremony.

    4. see also: master of ceremonies

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