
  • cheese

    英:[tʃi:z]   美: [tʃiz] 

    cheese 基本解释

    名词奶酪; <俚>微笑


    cheese 相关例句


    1. That ring is certainly the cheese.

    2. I'm fond of French cheeses.

    cheese 网络解释

    1. 乳酪:(3) 乳酪(Cheese)之最佳风味与口感在何温度下可品尝出? 高温 低温2. (2) 水果盘之装饰以何种材料最适宜? 香芹(Par sley ) 薄荷叶生(莴15. (1) 牡蛎(Oyster) 生食通常可和那种面包搭配? 全麦面包 吐司面包 法国面包 餐包. 白兰地.

    2. 干酪:8卡门贝(Carmembert)乾酪(Cheese):一种产於法国的软乾酪. 原 为Fr.诺曼底一村庄,产此乾酪而得名.

    1. 奶酪;干酪
        Cheese is a solid food made from milk. It is usually white or yellow.

        e.g. ...bread and cheese.
        e.g. ...cheese sauce...

    2. 大人物;要人;大亨
        Someone who has a very important job or position can be referred to as a big cheese .


        e.g. He is a big cheese in the Art Fraud Squad.
        e.g. ...big cheeses from the State Department.

    3. (照相时)说“茄子”;笑一笑
        If someone tells you to say 'cheese' when they are taking your photograph, they are indicating that they want you to smile.


    4. as different as chalk and cheese -> see chalk


    1. 奶酪;干酪
        Cheese is a solid food made from milk. It is usually white or yellow.

        e.g. ...bread and cheese.
        e.g. ...cheese sauce...

    2. 大人物;要人;大亨
        Someone who has a very important job or position can be referred to as a big cheese .


        e.g. He is a big cheese in the Art Fraud Squad.
        e.g. ...big cheeses from the State Department.

    3. (照相时)说“茄子”;笑一笑
        If someone tells you to say 'cheese' when they are taking your photograph, they are indicating that they want you to smile.


    4. as different as chalk and cheese -> see chalk

    cheese 情景对话


    A:Are you ready to order?


    B:Yes, we’d like to start with the fried mushroom platter, please.

    A:What kind of sauce would you like with that?

    B:The blue cheese, please. Could you make that without meat, by the way?

    A:Sure. How about your main course?

    B:I’ll have the double bacon cheeseburger.


    A:Would you like soup or salad with that?

    B:Soup, please.

    A:French fries, home fries, or mashed potatoes?

    B:Hmm, I think I’ll have the home fries.

    A:How about for your daughter?

    B:She’ll have the four cheese omelette.


    A:Does she want a two or three-egg omelette?
          她是要 2 个蛋还是3 个蛋的煎蛋卷?

    B:A three-egg omelette.
          3 个蛋的煎蛋卷。

    A:Whole wheat or white toast?

    B:Could she substitute a muffin for that?


    A:Not a problem. Blueberry or plain?


    A:And what would you like to drink?

    B:Two regular coffees—black—and two glasses of orange juice please.

    A:Ok, I’ll bring out the mushroom platter and your drinks shortly.

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