
  • comply

    英:[kəmˈplaɪ]   美: [kəmˈplaɪ] 

    comply 基本解释

    不及物动词遵从; 依从,顺从; 应允,同意

    comply 相关词组


    1. comply with : 服从, 遵守;

    comply 相关例句


    1. We comply with all fire safety rules.

    2. All the citizens must comply with the law.

    comply 网络解释

    3. 答应,遵守,履行:complication 复杂化,混乱,并发症 | comply 答应,遵守,履行 | compressed air 压缩空气

    4. 遵从按照别人的命令、要求、规矩或希望去做:Schedule 制定计划 | Comply 遵从按照别人的命令、要求、规矩或希望去做 | Specify 详细说明

    1. 服从;遵守
        If someone or something complies with an order or set of rules, they are in accordance with what is required or expected.

        e.g. The commander said that the army would comply with the ceasefire...
        e.g. Some beaches had failed to comply with European directives on bathing water...


    1. 服从;遵守
        If someone or something complies with an order or set of rules, they are in accordance with what is required or expected.

        e.g. The commander said that the army would comply with the ceasefire...
        e.g. Some beaches had failed to comply with European directives on bathing water...

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