
  • condense

    英:[kənˈdens]   美: [kənˈdɛns] 

    condense 基本解释

    动词压缩; 精简; (使)冷凝; (使)凝结

    condense 相关例句


    1. Steam is condensed to water when it touches a cold surface.

    2. Milk becomes condensed when water is taken out of it.

    3. condense

    3. A long story may be condensed into a few sentences.


    1. Moisture in the atmosphere condensed into dew during the night.

    condense 网络解释

    1. 缩合:缩合(一) 草酰乙酸(oxaloacetate)与乙酰-CoA缩合(condense)形成柠檬酸. 反应不可逆.

    2. 使简洁,缩短:concourse 会流,合流 | condense 使简洁,缩短 | condescend 屈尊

    1. 压缩,精简(尤指文章或讲话)
        If you condense something, especially a piece of writing or speech, you make it shorter, usually by including only the most important parts.


        e.g. We have learnt how to condense serious messages into short, self-contained sentences...
        e.g. The English translation may have been condensed into a single more readable book.

    2. (使)冷凝;(使)凝结
        When a gas or vapour condenses, or is condensed, it changes into a liquid.

        e.g. Water vapour condenses to form clouds...
        e.g. The compressed gas is cooled and condenses into a liquid...


    1. 压缩,精简(尤指文章或讲话)
        If you condense something, especially a piece of writing or speech, you make it shorter, usually by including only the most important parts.


        e.g. We have learnt how to condense serious messages into short, self-contained sentences...
        e.g. The English translation may have been condensed into a single more readable book.

    2. (使)冷凝;(使)凝结
        When a gas or vapour condenses, or is condensed, it changes into a liquid.

        e.g. Water vapour condenses to form clouds...
        e.g. The compressed gas is cooled and condenses into a liquid...

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