
  • cordial

    英:[ˈkɔ:diəl]   美: [ˈkɔ:rdʒəl] 

    cordial 基本解释

    形容词热诚的; 诚恳的; 兴奋的

    名词补品; 兴奋剂; 甘露酒


    cordial 相关例句


    1. cordial的翻译

    1. Coffee is a cordial drink.

    2. The hostess gave us a cordial greeting.

    cordial 网络解释

    1. 甜酒:不仅是贵族,工人阶层突然之间也可以买得起一整套玻璃葡萄酒杯;而其他的酒杯类型如波特(Port)酒杯、雪莉(Sherry)酒杯、甜酒(Cordial)酒杯和利口酒(liqueur)酒杯套装的价格也都变得低廉了许多.

    2. 衷心的:cord 心 | cordial衷心的 | core核心

    3. 真诚,友善的:concordant 和谐,一致的 | cordial 真诚,友善的 | core 中心,最重要部分,要旨

    4. 兴奋的:copy test 广告用语测验 | cordial 兴奋的 | cordial feeling 亲切感

    1. 友好的;可亲的
        Cordial means friendly.

        e.g. He had never known him to be so chatty and cordial...
        e.g. He said the two countries had close and cordial relations.

    They all greeted me very cordially and were eager to talk about the new project.
    他们都很热情地向我打招呼,并且迫切想谈论这个新项目。 词典解释

    1. 友好的;可亲的
        Cordial means friendly.

        e.g. He had never known him to be so chatty and cordial...
        e.g. He said the two countries had close and cordial relations.

    They all greeted me very cordially and were eager to talk about the new project.
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