
  • devise

    英:[dɪˈvaɪz]   美: [dɪˈvaɪz] 

    devise 基本解释


    动词设计; 想出; 发明; 策划

    名词遗赠; 遗赠的财产; 遗赠的条款

    devise 相关例句


    1. He devised a new method of teaching writing.

    2. devise

    2. The Inquisition of the Medieval Ages devised many demoniac means of torture.

    devise 网络解释

    2. 设计:deviometer 航向偏差指示器 | devise 设计 | devise 想出设计


    3. 设计,发明,创造:deviometer 斜视计,偏向计 | devise 设计,发明,创造 | Dewar bottle 杜瓦瓶,真空瓶(储液氮用)

    4. 设计;发明;策划:3.consecutive 连续的;连贯的 | 4.devise 设计;发明;策划 | 5.equipment 装备;设备

    1. 设计;发明;策划;想出
        If you devise a plan, system, or machine, you have the idea for it and design it.

        e.g. We devised a scheme to help him...
        e.g. New long-range objectives must be devised.


    1. 设计;发明;策划;想出
        If you devise a plan, system, or machine, you have the idea for it and design it.

        e.g. We devised a scheme to help him...
        e.g. New long-range objectives must be devised.

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