
  • dial

    英:[ˈdaɪəl]   美: [ˈdaɪəl] 

    dial 基本解释

    名词表盘; 拨号盘; 日晷; 钟(表)面,标度盘


    及物动词用标度盘测量; 通过表针控制

    dial 相关例句


    1. She dialled London direct.

    2. How do I dial London?

    3. Put in the money before dialing.


    1. The clock dial is illuminated at night.

    dial 网络解释

    1. dial的意思

    1. 刻度盘:工程师们可以将应用中的旋钮(Knob)、刻度盘(Dial)、标尺(Gauge)和图表(Graph)合并到一个单独、综合的界面,轻松地验证他们的仿真模型. 此外,他们还可以通过一系列测试参数执行多项仿真,对Simulink 模型进行验证.

    2. 拨号:首先通过163、吉通或其他国家干线网上网,然后启动该软件,在用户名列表中选取你想要呼叫的对方用户名,接着单击拨号(Dial)按钮(用鼠标双击用户名也可)或者在听到铃声后单击接受(Accept)按钮,即可进行通话.

    3. 度盘:本产品允许您为报表添加全新类型的数据可视化表示,在您的报表中以仪表(Gauge)、刻度盘(Dial)以及数字指示器(Numeric Indicator)的形式显示关键绩效指针(KPI),轻松地创建数字仪表控制板以及计分表接口.

    4. dial:disk/drum interrogation alternation and loading; 磁盘/磁鼓轮流询问和装载

    5. dial:differential absorption lidar; 差分吸收雷达

    6. dial:dial in access to lan; 拨号访问局域网

    in AM, use 美国英语用 dialing, dialed 词典解释

    in AM, use 美国英语用 dialing, dialed

    dial 情景对话


    A:What can I do for you, sir?

    B:I'm Tom in Room 518, and I want a wake-up call tomorrow morning.

    A:At what time?

    B:5:15am please.

    A:We have a computer wake-up service. Please dial 2 first and then the time. That is to say, dial 2 and the 0515 for the time. There must be five digits in the final number.

    B:I see. Then it is 20515. Thank you. By the way, if I want to change my wake-up time, what should I do?

    A:Just dial your new wake-up time. The computer will automatically cancel the old time and record the new one.

    B:If I dial 20800, I will be waked up at 8:00 am?

    A:Yes, that's right.

    B:Thanks a lot.

    A:You are welcome. Good night!

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