
  • discern

    英:[dɪˈsɜ:n]   美: [dɪˈsɜ:rn] 

    discern 基本解释

    及物动词看出; 理解,了解; 识别,辨别


    discern 相关例句


    1. It is difficult to discern the truth.

    2. discern的意思

    2. He was just able to discern the road in the dark.

    3. He discerned her plan immediately.



    1. Is it easy to discern between fact and rumor?

    discern 网络解释

    1. 识别:房地产投资风险管理机构的任务应该是围绕风险管理目标,即实现房地产投资利益最大化或风险最小,对房地产投资风险进行识别(Discern)-分析(Analy-sis)-决策(Decision)-控制(Control)-处理(Dis-pose)的有机过程.

    2. discern的翻译

    2. 看出,识别:relic 遗迹,废墟 | discern 看出,识别 | mirage 海市蜃楼

    3. 辨别,看见:discard 摒除,弃绝 | discern 辨别,看见 | discharge 开释,开除,放出,流出

    4. discern

    4. 区别,识别;理解:plague 令人烦恼的事;瘟疫,灾害 | discern 区别,识别;理解 | span 横跨,跨越;持续,包括;n. 一段时间;跨度

    1. 觉察出;知道;了解;辨明
        If you can discern something, you are aware of it and know what it is.

        e.g. You need a long series of data to be able to discern such a trend...
        e.g. It was hard to discern why this was happening.

    2. 依稀看出;分辨出
        If you can discern something, you can just see it, but not clearly.


        e.g. Below the bridge we could just discern a narrow, weedy ditch.


    1. 觉察出;知道;了解;辨明
        If you can discern something, you are aware of it and know what it is.

        e.g. You need a long series of data to be able to discern such a trend...
        e.g. It was hard to discern why this was happening.

    2. 依稀看出;分辨出
        If you can discern something, you can just see it, but not clearly.


        e.g. Below the bridge we could just discern a narrow, weedy ditch.

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