
  • energy

    英:[ˈenədʒi]   美: [ˈenərdʒi] 

    energy 基本解释

    名词精力; 活力; [物]能量; 精神

    energy 同义词


    energy 反义词




    同义词: driveforcemightpowerstrength

    energy 相关例句


    1. energy是什么意思

    1. They are working with energy.

    2. They devoted all their energies to the job.

    3. Young people usually have more energy than the old.

    1. 力气;力量
        Energy is the ability and strength to do active physical things and the feeling that you are full of physical power and life.


        e.g. He was saving his energy for next week's race in Belgium...
        e.g. We try to boost our energy by eating.

    2. 毅力;活力
        Energy is determination and enthusiasm about doing things.

        e.g. At 54 years old her energy and looks are magnificent...
        e.g. You have drive and energy for those things you are interested in.

    3. 努力;精力
        Your energies are your efforts and attention, which you can direct towards a particular aim.


        e.g. She had started to devote her energies to teaching rather than performing...
        e.g. We must concentrate our energies on treating addiction first.

    4. 能量;能源
        Energy is the power from sources such as electricity and coal that makes machines work or provides heat.

        e.g. ...those who favour nuclear energy...
        e.g. Oil shortages have brought on an energy crisis...


    1. 力气;力量
        Energy is the ability and strength to do active physical things and the feeling that you are full of physical power and life.


        e.g. He was saving his energy for next week's race in Belgium...
        e.g. We try to boost our energy by eating.

    2. 毅力;活力
        Energy is determination and enthusiasm about doing things.

        e.g. At 54 years old her energy and looks are magnificent...
        e.g. You have drive and energy for those things you are interested in.

    3. 努力;精力
        Your energies are your efforts and attention, which you can direct towards a particular aim.


        e.g. She had started to devote her energies to teaching rather than performing...
        e.g. We must concentrate our energies on treating addiction first.

    4. 能量;能源
        Energy is the power from sources such as electricity and coal that makes machines work or provides heat.

        e.g. ...those who favour nuclear energy...
        e.g. Oil shortages have brought on an energy crisis...

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