
  • excessive

    英:[ɪkˈsesɪv]   美: [ɪkˈsɛsɪv] 

    excessive 基本解释

    形容词过多的; 过分的; 过度的,极度的; 过逾

    excessive 相关例句


    1. excessive的意思

    1. She takes an excessive interest in clothes.

    2. The food was bad and the bill was excessive in this restaurant.

    3. excessive在线翻译

    3. The food was bad and the bill was excessive.

    excessive 网络解释

    1. 过多的:可能取值为:TRACO:转码器(TRANSCODER)的连接类型. 可能取值为:SA:独立地(STANDALONE)和同步源同步. FAULT:错误类型. 1:告警指示信号. 2:帧丢失. 3、过多的(EXCESSIVE)误码率. 4、远端告警. *定义小区逻辑信道可用数(AVAILBILITY)的监测.

    1. 过分的;过多的
        If you describe the amount or level of something as excessive, you disapprove of it because it is more or higher than is necessary or reasonable.

        e.g. ...the alleged use of excessive force by police...
        e.g. The government says that local authority spending is excessive.

    Managers are also accused of paying themselves excessively high salaries...
    Mum had started taking pills and drinking excessively.
    妈妈开始服药酗酒。 词典解释

    1. 过分的;过多的
        If you describe the amount or level of something as excessive, you disapprove of it because it is more or higher than is necessary or reasonable.

        e.g. ...the alleged use of excessive force by police...
        e.g. The government says that local authority spending is excessive.

    Managers are also accused of paying themselves excessively high salaries...
    Mum had started taking pills and drinking excessively.
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