
  • exert

    英:[ɪgˈzɜ:t]   美: [ɪgˈzɜ:rt] 

    exert 基本解释

    及物动词发挥; 运用; 使受(影响等); 用(力)

    exert 同义词

    动词put forthuseutilizeemploy

    exert 反义词


    exert 相关词组

    1. exert oneself : 努力, 尽力;

    同义词: employuseutilize

    exert 相关例句


    1. exert的近义词

    1. He has exerted all his strength.

    2. For college students to do a part-time job will exert a profound influence on their personality and life.

    3. He's been exerting his influence on his friend to change his decision.

    exert 网络解释

    1. exert

    1. 施加:成功多汁水(succulent),退出可食用(esculent) 哥哥学习要收集(glean),哥哥离去小故障(glitch),哥哥速度会烦躁(grate),哥哥成熟会抱怨 (gripe) 里面惰性(inert)怕敏捷(pert),向外作用才施加(exert) 爱速度愤怒(irate),

    2. exert

    2. 施加(压力):exaggerate 夸张 | exert 施加(压力) | expel 排除;开除

    3. 用内力进行一些特异功能:exercise打坐,运气练功,将气转为内力. | exert用内力进行一些特异功能. | expell让你开除不成才的弟子.

    4. exert什么意思

    4. 运用:exempt 使免除(责任等) | exert 运用 | exhale 发出,呼出

    1. 施加(影响、压力等);行使,运用(权威等)
        If someone or something exerts influence, authority, or pressure, they use it in a strong or determined way, especially in order to produce a particular effect.


        e.g. He exerted considerable influence on the thinking of the scientific community on these issues...
        e.g. The cyst was causing swelling and exerting pressure on her brain.

    2. 尽力;努力
        If you exert yourself, you make a great physical or mental effort, or work hard to do something.


        e.g. Youngsters get so absorbed that they don't realise how much they're exerting themselves...
        e.g. Do not exert yourself unnecessarily.

    He clearly found the physical exertion exhilarating...
    Thanks to the exertions of a few sensible and courageous men, the compromise was accepted.
    由于少数明智且勇敢的人的努力,折中方案被采纳了。 词典解释

    1. 施加(影响、压力等);行使,运用(权威等)
        If someone or something exerts influence, authority, or pressure, they use it in a strong or determined way, especially in order to produce a particular effect.


        e.g. He exerted considerable influence on the thinking of the scientific community on these issues...
        e.g. The cyst was causing swelling and exerting pressure on her brain.

    2. 尽力;努力
        If you exert yourself, you make a great physical or mental effort, or work hard to do something.


        e.g. Youngsters get so absorbed that they don't realise how much they're exerting themselves...
        e.g. Do not exert yourself unnecessarily.

    He clearly found the physical exertion exhilarating...
    Thanks to the exertions of a few sensible and courageous men, the compromise was accepted.
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