
  • expel

    英:[ɪkˈspel]   美: [ɪkˈspɛl] 

    expel 基本解释


    expel 相关例句



    1. He was expelled from the club.

    2. expel

    2. They expelled the journalist from their country.

    3. Water is sucked in at one end and expelled at the other.

    4. expel的反义词

    4. The pupil was expelled for stealing.

    5. He was expelled from the school.

    expel 网络解释

    1. 驱逐:*[[10月25日]]--[[联合国大会2758号决议]]通过,承认[[中华人民共和国]]为[[中国]]代表,會員名稱仍為[[中华民国]],並將蔣介石代表驅逐(expel)出聯合國.

    2. 排除;开除:exert 施加(压力) | expel 排除;开除 | explore 探究

    3. 驱逐,逐出:expeditious 敏捷,迅速的 | expel 驱逐,逐出 | expend 花费,消耗

    4. 开除,驱除:41 house V. 为--提供住房 | 42 expel 开除,驱除 | 43 reimburse 报销,伏款 = refund

    1. 开除;将…除名
        If someone is expelled from a school or organization, they are officially told to leave because they have behaved badly.

        e.g. More than five-thousand secondary school students have been expelled for cheating.
        e.g. ...a boy expelled from school for making death threats to his teacher.

    2. 逐出;驱逐
        If people are expelled from a place, they are made to leave it, often by force.

        e.g. An American academic was expelled from the country yesterday...
        e.g. They were told at first that they should simply expel the refugees.

    3. 排出;喷出
        To expel something means to force it out from a container or from your body.

        e.g. Daily brushing of the skin helps the skin expel toxins...
        e.g. As the lungs exhale this waste, gas is expelled into the atmosphere.


    1. 开除;将…除名
        If someone is expelled from a school or organization, they are officially told to leave because they have behaved badly.

        e.g. More than five-thousand secondary school students have been expelled for cheating.
        e.g. ...a boy expelled from school for making death threats to his teacher.

    2. 逐出;驱逐
        If people are expelled from a place, they are made to leave it, often by force.

        e.g. An American academic was expelled from the country yesterday...
        e.g. They were told at first that they should simply expel the refugees.

    3. 排出;喷出
        To expel something means to force it out from a container or from your body.

        e.g. Daily brushing of the skin helps the skin expel toxins...
        e.g. As the lungs exhale this waste, gas is expelled into the atmosphere.

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