
  • feudal

    英:[ˈfju:dl]   美: [ˈfjudl:] 

    feudal 基本解释


    feudal 网络解释

    1. 世仇的:feud 不和 | feudal 世仇的 | feudalist 封建论者

    2. 封建制度的:medieval 中世纪的 | feudal 封建制度的 | overmighty 有势力过于强大的

    1. 封建体制的;封建时期的
        Feudal means relating to the system or the time of feudalism.

        e.g. ...the emperor and his feudal barons.


    1. 封建体制的;封建时期的
        Feudal means relating to the system or the time of feudalism.

        e.g. ...the emperor and his feudal barons.

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