
  • foster

    英:[ˈfɒstə(r)]   美: [ˈfɔ:stə(r)] 

    foster 基本解释

    动词培养; 促进; 抚育; 代养

    形容词寄养的; 代养的

    foster 相关例句


    1. There are three foster children in our home.


    1. foster的意思

    1. Frequent cultural exchange will certainly help foster friendly relations between our two universities.


    2. We fostered the young girl while her mother was in hospital.

    3. foster

    3. We fostered the little girl while her mother was in hospital.

    4. Concerts foster interest in music.

    foster 网络解释

    1. 培育:"创新生态学研究的是关于鼓励(encourage)、培育(foster)和催化(catalyse)创新思想和理念,并能使其转化为有价值的工作环境. 创新生态学倡导和支持个人、团队和所有机构为经济可持续发展开展研究工作.

    2. 收养的:则可记成:秋季(autumn)的专栏(column)(记忆窍门)由于词尾都是 ought , 则可记成: 干旱季节(drought)已到来, 节水思想(thought)很重要(记忆窍门)由于词尾都是 ster ,则可记成:妹妹(sister)是收养的(foster)(记忆窍门)由于词尾都是 nder,

    3. 佛斯特:佛斯特(Foster)自动门有限公司(南宁)经销处主要从事:自动门机组生产与批发、特殊自动门、特殊旋转门为一体销售与安装的专业性公司之一,公司引进国外先进科学技术,设计、制作新一代直流无刷感应自动门机;同时也根据客户需求提供特殊的自动门方案解决,

    1. 寄养的;代养的
        Foster parents are people who officially take a child into their family for a period of time, without becoming the child's legal parents. The child is referred to as their foster child.

        e.g. Little Jack was placed with foster parents...
        e.g. The foster mother was a wonderful, warm person.

    2. 寄养;代养
        If you foster a child, you take it into your family for a period of time, without becoming its legal parent.

        e.g. She has since gone on to find happiness by fostering more than 100 children.
               从那以后她代养了 100 多个孩子,并从中得到快乐。

    3. 促进;鼓励;培养
        To foster something such as an activity or idea means to help it to develop.

        e.g. He said that developed countries had a responsibility to foster global economic growth to help new democracies...
        e.g. Its cash crisis has been fostered by declining property values.


    1. 寄养的;代养的
        Foster parents are people who officially take a child into their family for a period of time, without becoming the child's legal parents. The child is referred to as their foster child.

        e.g. Little Jack was placed with foster parents...
        e.g. The foster mother was a wonderful, warm person.

    2. 寄养;代养
        If you foster a child, you take it into your family for a period of time, without becoming its legal parent.

        e.g. She has since gone on to find happiness by fostering more than 100 children.
               从那以后她代养了 100 多个孩子,并从中得到快乐。

    3. 促进;鼓励;培养
        To foster something such as an activity or idea means to help it to develop.

        e.g. He said that developed countries had a responsibility to foster global economic growth to help new democracies...
        e.g. Its cash crisis has been fostered by declining property values.

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