
  • fragrant

    英:[ˈfreɪgrənt]   美: [ˈfreɡrənt] 

    fragrant 基本解释


    fragrant 相关例句


    1. fragrant的反义词

    1. This perfume is made in several fragrances.

    2. The air in the garden was warm and fragrant.

    fragrant 网络解释

    1. 香的:spiced 加香料的 | fragrant 香的 | seasoned 加作料的

    2. 芳香的、香气幽雅的:Velvety:柔软的、温和的、柔顺的 | Fragrant:芳香的、香气幽雅的 | Flowery:花香的

    3. 芳香的(形容词):The sachets are very fragrant.那些香包很香. | fragrant芳香的(形容词) | Those flowers are very fragrant. 那些花很香.

    4. (本义)香喷喷的:far gone(本义)去日苦多 | fragrant(本义)香喷喷的 | full of heir(本义)怀有继承人

    1. 气味芬芳的;芳香的
        Something that is fragrant has a pleasant, sweet smell.

        e.g. ...fragrant oils and perfumes...
        e.g. The air was fragrant with the smell of orange blossoms.


    1. 气味芬芳的;芳香的
        Something that is fragrant has a pleasant, sweet smell.

        e.g. ...fragrant oils and perfumes...
        e.g. The air was fragrant with the smell of orange blossoms.

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