
  • giggle

    英:[ˈgɪgl]   美: [ˈɡɪɡəl] 

    giggle 基本解释

    名词傻笑; 咯咯的笑; <英·非正>玩笑; the giggles 止不住的格格笑

    不及物动词傻笑; 咯咯地笑; 娇笑一下; 情不自禁地笑出声来

    giggle 相关例句


    1. The girls were gigging in class.

    2. The absurd story made her giggle.


    1. She burst into giggles.

    giggle 网络解释

    1. 咯咯笑:44. bumblebee 大黄蜂 | 45. giggle 咯咯笑 | 46. paradox 似是而非

    2. 咯咯地笑:smile bitterly 苦笑 | giggle 咯咯地笑 | grin 咧嘴而笑

    3. (傻笑):/gaze (凝视) | /giggle (傻笑) | /glad (高兴)

    1. 咯咯地笑;傻笑
        If someone giggles, they laugh in a childlike way, because they are amused, nervous, or embarrassed.

        e.g. Both girls began to giggle...
        e.g. 'I beg your pardon?' she giggled.

    2. 傻笑
        If you say that someone has the giggles, you mean they cannot stop giggling.

        e.g. I was so nervous I got the giggles...
        e.g. She had a fit of the giggles.

    3. 趣事;玩笑
        If you say that something is a giggle, you mean it is fun or is amusing.

        e.g. I might buy one for a friend's birthday as a giggle.


    1. 咯咯地笑;傻笑
        If someone giggles, they laugh in a childlike way, because they are amused, nervous, or embarrassed.

        e.g. Both girls began to giggle...
        e.g. 'I beg your pardon?' she giggled.

    2. 傻笑
        If you say that someone has the giggles, you mean they cannot stop giggling.

        e.g. I was so nervous I got the giggles...
        e.g. She had a fit of the giggles.

    3. 趣事;玩笑
        If you say that something is a giggle, you mean it is fun or is amusing.

        e.g. I might buy one for a friend's birthday as a giggle.

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