
  • handle

    英:[ˈhændl]   美: [ˈhændl] 

    handle 基本解释

    1. fly off the handle : 勃然大怒;

    handle 相关例句


    1. handle的反义词

    1. This shop handles paper and stationery.

    2. handle的翻译

    2. Do not handle the exhibits.


    3. He knows how to handle the machine.

    4. Handle children kindly, if you want them to trust you.


    1. handle是什么意思

    1. Don't let your conduct give any handle for gossip.

    handle 网络解释

    1. handle:hdl; 处理,句柄〖软〗,称号〖C+ +〗

    1. (门上的)拉手,把手
        A handle is a small round object or a lever that is attached to a door and is used for opening and closing it.

        e.g. I turned the handle and found the door was open.

    2. (工具、包、杯等的)柄,把手,提手
        A handle is the part of an object such as a tool, bag, or cup that you hold in order to be able to pick up and use the object.

        e.g. The handle of a cricket bat protruded from under his arm.
        e.g. ...a broom handle.

    3. 有能力应付;(成功地)处理
        If you say that someone can handle a problem or situation, you mean that they have the ability to deal with it successfully.

        e.g. To tell the truth, I don't know if I can handle the job...
        e.g. She cannot handle pressure...

    4. (以…方式)应付,处理
        If you talk about the way that someone handles a problem or situation, you mention whether or not they are successful in achieving the result they want.

        e.g. I think I would handle a meeting with Mr. Siegel very badly...
        e.g. She admitted to herself she didn't know how to handle the problem.

    The family has criticized the military's handling of Robert's death.
    罗伯特的家人批评军方对罗伯特死亡的事情处理失当。 词典解释

    1. (门上的)拉手,把手
        A handle is a small round object or a lever that is attached to a door and is used for opening and closing it.

        e.g. I turned the handle and found the door was open.

    2. (工具、包、杯等的)柄,把手,提手
        A handle is the part of an object such as a tool, bag, or cup that you hold in order to be able to pick up and use the object.

        e.g. The handle of a cricket bat protruded from under his arm.
        e.g. ...a broom handle.

    3. 有能力应付;(成功地)处理
        If you say that someone can handle a problem or situation, you mean that they have the ability to deal with it successfully.

        e.g. To tell the truth, I don't know if I can handle the job...
        e.g. She cannot handle pressure...

    4. (以…方式)应付,处理
        If you talk about the way that someone handles a problem or situation, you mention whether or not they are successful in achieving the result they want.

        e.g. I think I would handle a meeting with Mr. Siegel very badly...
        e.g. She admitted to herself she didn't know how to handle the problem.

    The family has criticized the military's handling of Robert's death.

    handle 情景对话


    B:How do you handle your failure?

    A:None of us was born "perfect". I am sure I will be given a second chance to correct my mistake.

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