
  • hoe

    英:[həʊ]   美: [hoʊ] 

    hoe 基本解释

    名词锄头; 锄草; 草耙,除草器

    及物/不及物动词用锄除(草等); 用锄(松土等)


    hoe 相关例句


    1. I'd like to hoe in the field.


    1. The gardener used a hoe to remove weeds.

    2. This hoe is his, not mine.

    hoe 网络解释

    1. 锄:舜在厉山耕种,大象替他耕地(infield),鸟代他锄(hoe)草. 帝尧听说舜非常孝顺,有处理政事的才干,把两个女儿娥皇和女英嫁给他;经过多年观察和考验(proof),选定舜做他的继承人. 舜登天子位后,去看望父亲,仍然恭恭敬敬,并封象为诸侯.


    2. 锄头:在活动时我有意识地将与农村生活息息相关的词语融合到活动中来,比如锄头(hoe)、稻子(rice)、连枷(billhook)等,而且不仅在活动时说,回家时要求他们将家中的农具贴上英语标签.

    3. 锄头,用锄耕地, 锄:hob 滚刀, 铁架 | hoe 锄头,用锄耕地, 锄 | hoist 升起;吊起;推起, 起重机,

    4. hoe是什么意思

    4. 液压设备:hoe 锄 | HOE 液压设备 | Hoeppler rolling ball viscosimeter 郝普勒落球粘度计


    5. hoe:holographic-optic elements; 全息光学元件

    6. hoe:holographic optical element; 偏振全息术制做全息光学元件

    1. 锄头;(长柄)锄
        A hoe is a gardening tool with a long handle and a small square blade, which you use to remove small weeds and break up the surface of the soil.

    2. 锄(地);锄(草)
        If you hoe a field or crop, you use a hoe on the weeds or soil there.

        e.g. I have to feed the chickens and hoe the potatoes...
        e.g. Today he was hoeing in the vineyard.

    3. 处境麻烦;困难重重
        If you say that someone has a hard row to hoe or a tough row to hoe, you mean that they are in a difficult situation and have many problems to deal with.



    1. 锄头;(长柄)锄
        A hoe is a gardening tool with a long handle and a small square blade, which you use to remove small weeds and break up the surface of the soil.

    2. 锄(地);锄(草)
        If you hoe a field or crop, you use a hoe on the weeds or soil there.

        e.g. I have to feed the chickens and hoe the potatoes...
        e.g. Today he was hoeing in the vineyard.

    3. 处境麻烦;困难重重
        If you say that someone has a hard row to hoe or a tough row to hoe, you mean that they are in a difficult situation and have many problems to deal with.


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