
  • horse

    英:[hɔ:s]   美: [hɔ:rs] 

    horse 基本解释

    名词马; 骑马的军人,骑兵; 有脚的架; 跳马,鞍马

    及物动词为…备马; 猛推或用力向上举


    形容词马的; 骑在马背上的; 马拉的,使用马力的; 较大的,较粗硬的

    horse 同义词



    horse 反义词


    horse 相关词组

    1. put the cart before the horse : 本末倒置;

    2. hitch one's horses : 意见一致; 相处得很好; 结婚;

    3. eat like a horse : 吃得多;

    4. talk horse : 吹牛;

    5. horse around : 胡闹, 鬼混;

    6. be on one's high horse : 趾高气扬;

    7. set one's horses together : 意见一致; 相处得很好; 结婚;

    8. flog a dead horse : 徒劳;

    9. spur a willing horse : 给予不必要的刺激;

    10. dark horse : n. 黑马(出人意外得胜之马);

    11. work like a horse : 辛勤工作;

    反义词: foot

    horse 相关例句

    1. It is enough to make a horse laugh.


    1. I horse around quite a lot, just to keep from getting bored.


    1. horse在线翻译

    1. I am learning to ride a horse.

    2. horse的近义词

    2. To horse!

    3. He commands 300 horse.

    horse 网络解释


    1. 公马:至于公马(horse)和母马(mare),同样供人骑或同样会拉车、犁田,似无必要明确划分,所以平常只用horse一字通通包括在一起了. 至于公马(horse)和母马(mare),同样供人骑或同样会拉车、犁田,似无必要明确划分,所以平常只用horse一字通通包括在一起了.

    2. 神马奔雷第五重:DRAGON = 寒冰龙涎第五重 | HORSE = 神马奔雷第五重 | sonic = 天籁之音

        A horse is a large animal which people can ride. Some horses are used for pulling ploughs and carts.

        e.g. A small man on a grey horse had appeared.

    2. 赛马
        When you talk about the horses, you mean horse races in which people bet money on the horse which they think will win.

        e.g. He still likes to bet on the horses.

    3. (体操器械)跳马
        A vaulting horse is a tall piece of gymnastics equipment for jumping over.

    4. 从知情人那里直接(获悉)
        If you hear something from the horse's mouth, you hear it from someone who knows that it is definitely true.

        e.g. He has got to hear it from the horse's mouth. Then he can make a judgment as to whether his policy is correct or not.

    5. see also: clothes horse;dark horse;rocking horse;seahorse. to put the cart before the horse
         -> see cart

    相关词组:horse around


        A horse is a large animal which people can ride. Some horses are used for pulling ploughs and carts.

        e.g. A small man on a grey horse had appeared.

    2. 赛马
        When you talk about the horses, you mean horse races in which people bet money on the horse which they think will win.

        e.g. He still likes to bet on the horses.

    3. (体操器械)跳马
        A vaulting horse is a tall piece of gymnastics equipment for jumping over.

    4. 从知情人那里直接(获悉)
        If you hear something from the horse's mouth, you hear it from someone who knows that it is definitely true.

        e.g. He has got to hear it from the horse's mouth. Then he can make a judgment as to whether his policy is correct or not.

    5. see also: clothes horse;dark horse;rocking horse;seahorse. to put the cart before the horse
         -> see cart

    相关词组:horse around

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