
  • impossible

    英:[ɪmˈpɒsəbl]   美: [ɪmˈpɑ:səbl] 

    impossible 基本解释

    impossible 反义词

    impossible 相关词组

    1. next to impossible : 几乎不可能的;

    同义词: absurd

    impossible 相关例句


    1. It is impossible for me to climb such a high mountain.

    2. He is an impossible fellow.

    3. Don't ask me to do impossible things.

    4. I can't come today; it's impossible.

    5. Living in space is not an impossible dream.

    impossible 网络解释

    2. 不可能吧:31. Imagine! 想想看! | 32. Impossible! 不可能吧! | 33. Impressive! 很感人,永生难忘!

    1. 不可能的;做不到的
        Something that is impossible cannot be done or cannot happen.

        e.g. It was impossible for anyone to get in because no one knew the password...
        e.g. He thinks the tax is impossible to administer...

    Mathematical physics is an almost impossibly difficult subject.
    数学物理是一门难得超乎想象的学科。 词典解释

    1. 不可能的;做不到的
        Something that is impossible cannot be done or cannot happen.

        e.g. It was impossible for anyone to get in because no one knew the password...
        e.g. He thinks the tax is impossible to administer...

    Mathematical physics is an almost impossibly difficult subject.

    impossible 情景对话


    A:Who’s your favorite actor?

    B:Tom Cruise, of course!

    A:You’ve got to be kidding me! He’s horrible!

    B:He may be a strange person in real life, but he’s a talented actor.


    A:He used to be. He was good in Rain Man, Jerry McGuire, and Cocktail. But the films he’s done recently aren’t worth seeing.

    B:Do you mean that you didn’t like Mission Impossible III?

    A:That’s exactly what I mean. I actually left the theater halfway through the film!


    B:Who’s your favorite actor?

    A:I like John Cusack.

    B:What’s your favorite John Cusack’s film?

    A:I like one of his older ones, Say Anything. Have you seen it?

    B:Sure, that’s a good film.

    A:Some people say that he always plays the same role. Do you think that makes him a bad actor?


    B:Not necessarily. Maybe he just knows what he does well and sticks withthat.

    A:Regardless, I think he’s great.

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