
  • improvement

    英:[ɪmˈpru:vmənt]   美: [ɪmˈpruvmənt] 

    improvement 基本解释

    improvement 反义词


    improvement 相关例句


    1. This composition is a great improvement on the one you wrote last week.

    2. Much improvement has been made in the public order of the city.

    3. Today's weather is an improvement on yesterday's.

    4. Painting the room yellow is a great improvement.

    5. There has been an improvement in the weather.

    improvement 网络解释

    1. improvement

    1. 改良:对于固定资产帐目调整仍有一点需要注意的,固定资产改良(Improvement)有关费用资本化,令损益帐中的费用支出减少. 在这样调整的时候,有关资本化的改良费用必需提取有关折旧. 另外,固定资产的改良很容易与维修及保养混淆(Repair&maintenance)益及生产能力,

    2. 好转:也可采用多因素分析对结果进行判断;还可以综合多项指标,如症状、体症、料验室检查、病因学指标等形成一项最终的疗效评价结果,如痊愈(cure)、显效(excellet)、好转(improvement)或无效(failure).

    1. 改进(之处);改善(之处)
        If there is an improvement in something, it becomes better. If you make improvements to something, you make it better.


        e.g. ...the dramatic improvements in organ transplantation in recent years...
        e.g. There is considerable room for improvement in state facilities for treating the mentally handicapped.

    2. 更优秀之物;改善的事物
        If you say that something is an improvement on a previous thing or situation, you mean that it is better than that thing.


        e.g. The new Prime Minister is an improvement on his predecessor...
        e.g. The system we introduced in 1980 has been a great improvement.
               我们 1980 年引进的系统有了很大改进。


    1. 改进(之处);改善(之处)
        If there is an improvement in something, it becomes better. If you make improvements to something, you make it better.


        e.g. ...the dramatic improvements in organ transplantation in recent years...
        e.g. There is considerable room for improvement in state facilities for treating the mentally handicapped.

    2. 更优秀之物;改善的事物
        If you say that something is an improvement on a previous thing or situation, you mean that it is better than that thing.


        e.g. The new Prime Minister is an improvement on his predecessor...
        e.g. The system we introduced in 1980 has been a great improvement.
               我们 1980 年引进的系统有了很大改进。

    improvement 情景对话


    A:I think it’’s going to be a nice day.

    B:It’’s certainly a big improvement over yesterday.

    A:But it’’s supposed to get cloudy and windy again this afternoon.

    B:Well, the worst of the winter should be over.

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