
  • incapable

    英:[ɪnˈkeɪpəbl]   美: [ɪnˈkepəbəl] 

    incapable 基本解释

    incapable 反义词


    同义词: unable

    incapable 相关例句


    1. His honesty made him incapable of lying.

    2. A foreigner is incapable of becoming president of the United States.

    3. An employer cannot afford to hire incapable workers.

    incapable 网络解释

    1. incapable是什么意思

    1. 无能力的:inglorious 不光彩的,不名譽的 | incapable 無能力的 | incorrect 錯誤的

    2. 无能的:You are capable of better work than this. 你能比这做得更好. | incapable 无能的 | As a lawyer, he is totally incapable. 作为律师,他完全不能胜任.

    3. 无能力的;不能的:tap 轻打;轻拍 | incapable 无能力的;不能的 | basin 盆;脸盆;洗涤槽

    4. 无能的 (in否定前辍):You are capable of better work than this. 你能比这做得更好. (表示有潜能) | incapable 无能的 (in否定前辍) | As a lawyer, he is totally incapable. 作为律师,他完全不能胜任.

    1. 无能力的;不能的
        Someone who is incapable of doing something is unable to do it.

        e.g. She seemed incapable of taking decisions...
        e.g. He was a man incapable of violence.

    2. 软弱无能的;蠢笨的
        An incapable person is weak or stupid.

        e.g. He lost his job for allegedly being incapable.


    1. 无能力的;不能的
        Someone who is incapable of doing something is unable to do it.

        e.g. She seemed incapable of taking decisions...
        e.g. He was a man incapable of violence.

    2. 软弱无能的;蠢笨的
        An incapable person is weak or stupid.

        e.g. He lost his job for allegedly being incapable.

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