
  • inferior

    英:[ɪnˈfɪəriə(r)]   美: [ɪnˈfɪriə(r)] 

    inferior 基本解释

    inferior 反义词

    1. be inferior to : 次于, 低于;

    同义词: lowersecondarysubordinateworse

    inferior 相关例句


    1. No inferior products should be allowed to pass.

    2. Synthetic fabric is inferior to cotton fabric.


    1. The manager is friendly with his inferiors.

    inferior 网络解释

    1. inferior的意思

    1. 下:二.常用的方位术语:上(superior)和下(inferior):按解剖学姿势,头居上,足在下. 近头侧为上,远头侧为下;在四肢则常用近侧(proximal)远侧(distal)描述部位间的关系,即靠近躯干的根部为近侧,而相对距离较远或末端的部位为远侧;


    2. 劣质的:))之间存在信息不对称,目前董事市场的不健全(或不存在)更增加了获取愿意独立董事的信息的难度,由此导致所谓的逆选择--让劣质的(Inferior)人当上了独立董事.

    1. (质量等)差的,次的
        Something that is inferior is not as good as something else.

        e.g. The cassettes were of inferior quality...
        e.g. This resulted in overpriced and often inferior products...

    2. (地位、能力等)低等的,低于…的;下级的
        If one person is regarded as inferior to another, they are regarded as less important because they have less status or ability.

        e.g. He preferred the company of those who were intellectually inferior to himself.
        e.g. ...the inferior status of women in pre-revolutionary Russia...

    I found it difficult to shake off a sense of social inferiority.
    我发现很难摆脱社交自卑感。 词典解释

    1. (质量等)差的,次的
        Something that is inferior is not as good as something else.

        e.g. The cassettes were of inferior quality...
        e.g. This resulted in overpriced and often inferior products...

    2. (地位、能力等)低等的,低于…的;下级的
        If one person is regarded as inferior to another, they are regarded as less important because they have less status or ability.

        e.g. He preferred the company of those who were intellectually inferior to himself.
        e.g. ...the inferior status of women in pre-revolutionary Russia...

    I found it difficult to shake off a sense of social inferiority.
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