
  • infrared

    英:[ˌɪnfrəˈred]   美: [ˌɪnfrəˈrɛd] 

    infrared 基本解释



    infrared 网络解释

    1. 红外线发射管:主营:红外线接收头(IRM) 红外数据传输器(IrDA) 光电遮断器(ITR) 红外线发射管(INFRARED) 贴片型红外线发射管(IN...

    2. infrared

    2. 红外线的:Industry Distribution System IDS 工业控制微机/工控机 | infrared 红外线的 | Infrared lamp 红外线灯

    1. (辐射)红外线的
        Infrared radiation is similar to light but has a longer wavelength, so we cannot see it without special equipment.

    2. 对红外辐射敏感的
        Infrared equipment detects infrared radiation.

        e.g. ...searching with infrared scanners for weapons and artillery.


    1. (辐射)红外线的
        Infrared radiation is similar to light but has a longer wavelength, so we cannot see it without special equipment.

    2. 对红外辐射敏感的
        Infrared equipment detects infrared radiation.

        e.g. ...searching with infrared scanners for weapons and artillery.

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