
  • kind-hearted

    英:[kaɪnd 'hɑ:tɪd]   美: [ˈkaɪndˈhɑrtɪd] 

    kind-hearted 基本解释

    形容词仁慈的,好心的; 脸软心慈

    kind-hearted 相关例句


    1. Mike is a very kind-hearted boy.

    kind-hearted 网络解释

    1. 好心的:just 正直的 | kind-hearted 好心的 | knowledgeable 有见识的

    2. 好心:碰壁 run one 's against a wall | 好心 kind -hearted | 祸不单行 Misfortunes never come singly

    3. 仁慈的:marble-hearted 冷酷的,无情的 | kind-hearted 仁慈的 | warm-hearted 热情的,恳切的

    4. kind-hearted是什么意思

    4. 仁慈的,好心肠的:hard-hearted:硬心肠的,无情的 | kind-hearted:仁慈的,好心肠的 | warm-hearted:热心的

    1. 仁慈的;体贴的;宽容的
        If you describe someone as kind-hearted, you mean that they are kind, caring, and generous.

        e.g. He was a warm, generous and kind-hearted man.


    1. 仁慈的;体贴的;宽容的
        If you describe someone as kind-hearted, you mean that they are kind, caring, and generous.

        e.g. He was a warm, generous and kind-hearted man.

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