
  • lest

    英:[lest]   美: [lɛst] 

    lest 基本解释


    连词以免; 唯恐; 惟恐; 生怕

    lest 相关例句


    1. I was afraid lest the new bike should be stolen.

    2. I was afraid lest he might come too late.

    3. lest的解释

    3. We dare not play jokes on him lest he should become angry.

    4. Be careful lest you fall from that tree.

    5. I obeyed her lest she should be angry.

    lest 网络解释

    1. 惟恐,免得:less 更少的,更小的,其次的 | lest 惟恐,免得 | load 装(载),装货

    1. 唯恐;免得
        If you do something lest something unpleasant should happen, you do it to try to prevent the unpleasant thing from happening.


        e.g. I was afraid to open the door lest he should follow me...
        e.g. The president has gone along with the hardliners lest they be tempted to oust him...


    1. 唯恐;免得
        If you do something lest something unpleasant should happen, you do it to try to prevent the unpleasant thing from happening.


        e.g. I was afraid to open the door lest he should follow me...
        e.g. The president has gone along with the hardliners lest they be tempted to oust him...

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