
  • liver

    英:[ˈlɪvə(r)]   美: [ˈlɪvɚ] 

    liver 基本解释

    名词肝脏; (食用)肝; 深赤褐色; 生活者

    形容词肝味的; 深赤褐色的


    liver 相关例句


    1. Alcohol may cause damage to the liver.

    liver 网络解释

    1. 肝:在西冷与牛后腿边(Tip)之间的部位,适合焖、烩等制(Short Plate),牛腹部的肉(Flank),和牛后腿的(Tip)都适合焖、烩等制作牛肉饼(Cubed),肉串(Kabobs),肉卷串(Rolls) 等制法;在牛的内脏中,肝(Liver)适合煎,心(Heart)适合炖(Stew),

    2. 猪肝:Duck trim drum鸭翼脾 | Liver 猪肝 | Pork ribs 排骨

    3. 居住者,生活优裕的人,肝脏:liver 居住者,生活优裕的人,肝脏 | BORE Beryllium Oxide Reactor Experiment 氧化铍实验性反应堆 | fractional integrals 分数次积分

    1. (指人体器官)肝,肝脏
        Your liver is a large organ in your body which processes your blood and helps to clean unwanted substances out of it.


    2. (尤指猪、牛、羊等动物供食用的)肝
        Liver is the liver of some animals, especially lambs, pigs, and cows, which is cooked and eaten.

        e.g. ...grilled calves' liver.


    1. (指人体器官)肝,肝脏
        Your liver is a large organ in your body which processes your blood and helps to clean unwanted substances out of it.


    2. (尤指猪、牛、羊等动物供食用的)肝
        Liver is the liver of some animals, especially lambs, pigs, and cows, which is cooked and eaten.

        e.g. ...grilled calves' liver.

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