
  • maximum

    英:[ˈmæksɪməm]   美: [ˈmæksəməm] 

    maximum 基本解释


    maximum 反义词


    同义词: chief

    maximum 相关例句


    1. maximum

    1. The maximum score on this test is 100.

    2. maximum的解释

    2. The maximum speed of this car is 150 miles per hour.


    1. The excitement was at its maximum.

    2. maximum的翻译

    2. The sound has reached its maximum.

    3. The maximum load for this truck is ten ton.

    1. 最高的;最大的;最多的
        You use maximum to describe an amount which is the largest that is possible, allowed, or required.

        e.g. Under planning law the maximum height for a fence or hedge is 2 metres...
        e.g. China headed the table with maximum points.

    2. (数量)极大的,极多的
        You use maximum to indicate how great an amount is.

        e.g. ...the maximum amount of information...
        e.g. It was achieved with minimum fuss and maximum efficiency.

    3. 最多;顶多;充其量
        If you say that something is a particular amount maximum, you mean that this is the greatest amount it should be or could possibly be, although a smaller amount is acceptable or very possible.

        e.g. We need an extra 6g a day maximum.

    4. 最大限度地;尽可能充分地;竭尽全力地
        If you say that someone does something to the maximum, you are emphasizing that they do it to the greatest degree possible.

        e.g. You have to develop your capabilities to the maximum.


    1. 最高的;最大的;最多的
        You use maximum to describe an amount which is the largest that is possible, allowed, or required.

        e.g. Under planning law the maximum height for a fence or hedge is 2 metres...
        e.g. China headed the table with maximum points.

    2. (数量)极大的,极多的
        You use maximum to indicate how great an amount is.

        e.g. ...the maximum amount of information...
        e.g. It was achieved with minimum fuss and maximum efficiency.

    3. 最多;顶多;充其量
        If you say that something is a particular amount maximum, you mean that this is the greatest amount it should be or could possibly be, although a smaller amount is acceptable or very possible.

        e.g. We need an extra 6g a day maximum.

    4. 最大限度地;尽可能充分地;竭尽全力地
        If you say that someone does something to the maximum, you are emphasizing that they do it to the greatest degree possible.

        e.g. You have to develop your capabilities to the maximum.

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