
  • permeate

    英:[ˈpɜ:mieɪt]   美: [ˈpɜ:rmieɪt] 

    permeate 基本解释

    及物/不及物动词渗透; 渗入; 弥漫; 遍布

    不及物动词贯穿; 感染,传播; 渗入,遍及; 穿透某物

    permeate 相关例句


    1. Water will permeate blotting paper.

    2. The smell of her perfume permeated the room.


    1. permeate

    1. The new ideas have gradually permeated through the people.

    permeate 网络解释

    1. 透过:简言之,就是透过 (permeate)行动 (action)或文字 (word)的呈现,使企业全体人员察觉(aware)风险的存在. 例如,高阶主管可注意所有相关的风险报告,且对所有营业单位加以说明. 再者,交易员可就为何需增加交易限额与交易主管作双向的意见沟通;

    2. 渗入:社会网络以不同的形态渗入(permeate)我们的日常生活,形形色色的资讯亦透过这崭新的大众沟通模式(a brand-new mode of mass communication)以几何级数增长(exponential growth)广泛传播开去,掀起一个又一个的新浪潮.

    3. 弥漫,充满,渗透:permanent 固定不变,永久的 | permeate 弥漫,充满,渗透 | permit 允许,许可

    1. (思想、感情、态度)感染,传播,扩散,影响
        If an idea, feeling, or attitude permeates a system or permeates society, it affects every part of it or is present throughout it.

        e.g. Bias against women permeates every level of the judicial system...
        e.g. An obvious change of attitude at the top will permeate through the system.

    2. 渗透;弥漫;扩散
        If something permeates a place, it spreads throughout it.

        e.g. The smell of roast beef permeated the air...
        e.g. Eventually, the water will permeate through the surrounding concrete.


    1. (思想、感情、态度)感染,传播,扩散,影响
        If an idea, feeling, or attitude permeates a system or permeates society, it affects every part of it or is present throughout it.

        e.g. Bias against women permeates every level of the judicial system...
        e.g. An obvious change of attitude at the top will permeate through the system.

    2. 渗透;弥漫;扩散
        If something permeates a place, it spreads throughout it.

        e.g. The smell of roast beef permeated the air...
        e.g. Eventually, the water will permeate through the surrounding concrete.

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