
  • ponder

    英:[ˈpɒndə(r)]   美: [ˈpɑ:ndə(r)] 

    ponder 基本解释



    ponder 相关例句


    1. ponder

    1. He pondered his future.

    2. He pondered the problem for several days.

    3. They are pondering what to do next.


    1. She pondered over her next words.

    2. She pondered long and deeply over the matter.

    ponder 网络解释

    1. 沉思:ponder over 沉思 | ponder 沉思 | ponderability 可秤性

    2. 沈思:/point 指出 | /ponder 沈思 | /puzzle 疑惑

    3. 沉思 meditate 沉思:220 pit 深坑 hole 洞6 | 221 ponder 沉思 meditate 沉思 | 222 ponderous 笨重的 heavy 沉重的

    1. 思索;考虑
        If you ponder something, you think about it carefully.

        e.g. I found myself constantly pondering the question: 'How could anyone do these things?'...
        e.g. The Prime Minister pondered on when to go to the polls...


    1. 思索;考虑
        If you ponder something, you think about it carefully.

        e.g. I found myself constantly pondering the question: 'How could anyone do these things?'...
        e.g. The Prime Minister pondered on when to go to the polls...

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