
  • probably

    英:[ˈprɒbəbli]   美: [ˈprɑ:bəbli] 

    probably 基本解释

    副词大概; 或许; 很可能; 备不住

    probably 相关例句


    1. It will probably rain.

    2. probably

    2. He will probably refuse the offer.

    probably 网络解释

    1. 有可能:这是要去证明(举证责任是在索赔方或货方)船东该损失是他个人的行为或错漏,而且是有意图去造成这种损失,或轻率与知道很有可能(probably)会造成这种损失.

    1. 大概;或许;可能
        If you say that something is probably the case, you think that it is likely to be the case, although you are not sure.


        e.g. The White House probably won't make this plan public until July...
        e.g. Van Gogh is probably the best-known painter in the world.

    2. (用于缓和语气)大概,或许,可能
        You can use probably when you want to make your opinion sound less forceful or definite, so that you do not offend people.


        e.g. He probably thinks you're both crazy!


    1. 大概;或许;可能
        If you say that something is probably the case, you think that it is likely to be the case, although you are not sure.


        e.g. The White House probably won't make this plan public until July...
        e.g. Van Gogh is probably the best-known painter in the world.

    2. (用于缓和语气)大概,或许,可能
        You can use probably when you want to make your opinion sound less forceful or definite, so that you do not offend people.


        e.g. He probably thinks you're both crazy!

    probably 情景对话


    A:Hey, Ted. What are you up to this Friday?

    B:Well, I have the day off from work.

    A:That’s great! Do you have any plans?

    B:Well, I’ve been working so hard lately, so I’ll probably just take it easy.


    A:Sounds nice.

    B:Yeah, I’ll probably just stay in and relax. Maybe watch a few movies.

    A:Can I stop by?

    B:Sure. Any time.

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