
  • pronounce

    英:[prəˈnaʊns]   美: [prəˈnaʊns] 

    pronounce 基本解释


    pronounce 相关例句


    1. The expert pronounced the picture to be a forgery.


    2. The judge pronounced a sentence of death on the murderer.

    3. She knows a lot of French words but pronounces them incorrectly.

    4. pronounce的近义词

    4. The judge pronounced sentence on the prisoner.


    1. pronounce的反义词

    1. Few people pronounced for his nomination.

    pronounce 网络解释

    1. 断言,宣称,清楚地发音:promulgate 颁布,公布 | pronounce 断言,宣称,清楚地发音 | propel 推动,驱使

    2. 断定,表示:prompt促使 | pronounce断定,表示 | recommend劝告,推荐

    3. 发音:promote 促进 | ▲pronounce 发音 | ▲pronunciation 发音

    4. 发音,宣布:pronoun 代词 | pronounce 发音,宣布 | pronunciation 发音

    1. 发…的音;读
        To pronounce a word means to say it using particular sounds.

        e.g. Have I pronounced your name correctly?...
        e.g. He pronounced it Per-sha, the way the English do.

    2. 宣称;宣告;宣布;断言
        If you pronounce something to be true, you state that it is the case.

        e.g. A specialist has now pronounced him fully fit...
        e.g. I now pronounce you man and wife.

    3. 宣称;宣布
        If someone pronounces a verdict or opinion on something, they give their verdict or opinion.

        e.g. The authorities took time to pronounce their verdicts...
        e.g. 'As for me,' he pronounced, 'I can recognize a good deal when I see one'...


    1. 发…的音;读
        To pronounce a word means to say it using particular sounds.

        e.g. Have I pronounced your name correctly?...
        e.g. He pronounced it Per-sha, the way the English do.

    2. 宣称;宣告;宣布;断言
        If you pronounce something to be true, you state that it is the case.

        e.g. A specialist has now pronounced him fully fit...
        e.g. I now pronounce you man and wife.

    3. 宣称;宣布
        If someone pronounces a verdict or opinion on something, they give their verdict or opinion.

        e.g. The authorities took time to pronounce their verdicts...
        e.g. 'As for me,' he pronounced, 'I can recognize a good deal when I see one'...

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