
  • quicken

    英:[ˈkwɪkən]   美: [ˈkwɪkən] 

    quicken 基本解释

    及物/不及物动词(使)变快; 增速; 鼓舞; 使复活

    及物动词苏醒; 使有生机

    quicken 相关例句


    1. Reading adventure stories quickened my imagination.

    2. Good debate can quicken one's mind.

    3. Spring rain quickened the earth.


    1. His pace quickened.

    2. quicken的翻译

    2. The seeds are quickening in the soil.

    3. The seeds quickened in the soil.

    quicken 网络解释

    1. 加快:常用的方法有以下几种:使用对收据分类的档夹、或者金融软体,如杰出(Excel)、加快(Quicken)、会计簿(QuickBooks)以及微软小商业财务软件(Microsoft Small Business Accounting)等.

    2. 锐折;加速:quicken the flare 船首外倾 | quicken 锐折;加速 | quicken 加快

    3. 加快 vi.加快:quickly 快,迅速 | quicken 加快 vi.加快 | quiet 寂静的;安静的

    1. (使)加快;(使)加速;(使)变快
        If something quickens or if you quicken it, it becomes faster or moves at a greater speed.

        e.g. Ainslie's pulse quickened in alarm...
        e.g. He quickened his pace a little.


    1. (使)加快;(使)加速;(使)变快
        If something quickens or if you quicken it, it becomes faster or moves at a greater speed.

        e.g. Ainslie's pulse quickened in alarm...
        e.g. He quickened his pace a little.

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