
  • recite

    英:[rɪˈsaɪt]   美: [rɪˈsaɪt] 

    recite 基本解释


    recite 相关例句


    1. recite的近义词

    1. He can recite that poem from memory.

    2. My little daughter likes reciting poetry in public.

    3. recite什么意思

    3. She took pleasure in reciting the list of scenic spots around the town.

    4. recite什么意思

    4. He recited the day's adventures.


    1. The teacher called on me to recite.

    recite 网络解释

    1. 背诵:它由'预习'(Preview)、'提问'(Question)、'阅读'(Read)、'思考'(Reflect)、'背诵'(Recite)、'复习'(Review)六个英语单词的首字母缩写而成. 老师的解释让我们茅塞顿开. "是啊,一些缩略语、学术语并不是人人能懂,说者若不注意解释,

    2. 誦:(4)背诵(Recite):读了多少段后,合上书想想究竟前面讲诵┦裁,能用自己的语言做一些简单的读书摘要,从中找出关键的表达词语,采用精炼的语言把思想归纳成多少点,这样做既有助于记忆、背诵或复述,又有助于提高表达能力,

    3. 背诵,详述:reciprocal 相互,交互的 | recite 背诵,详述 | reclaim 纠正改正拯救

    4. 背诵,朗读:reception 接见,招待 | recite 背诵,朗读 | recognition 认出,承认

    1. 朗诵;背诵;朗读
        When someone recites a poem or other piece of writing, they say it aloud after they have learned it.


        e.g. They recited poetry to one another.

    2. (大声)说出,细数,列举
        If you recite something such as a list, you say it aloud.

        e.g. All he could do was recite a list of Government failings...
        e.g. She suddenly realized that Wim was reciting Kirk's telephone number.


    1. 朗诵;背诵;朗读
        When someone recites a poem or other piece of writing, they say it aloud after they have learned it.


        e.g. They recited poetry to one another.

    2. (大声)说出,细数,列举
        If you recite something such as a list, you say it aloud.

        e.g. All he could do was recite a list of Government failings...
        e.g. She suddenly realized that Wim was reciting Kirk's telephone number.

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