
  • regard

    英:[rɪˈgɑ:d]   美: [rɪˈgɑ:rd] 

    regard 基本解释

    regard 同义词

    1. in this regard : 在这点上;

    2. with regard to : 关于;

    同义词: consideresteemjudgerespect

    regard 相关例句


    1. You seldom regard my advice.

    2. He is regarded as the best doctor in town.

    3. I have always regarded him highly.


    1. Give my regards to your parents.

    2. regard的反义词

    2. I have a very high regard for your abilities.

    regard 网络解释

    1. 关心:只要性别情趣正常,那么每个男人都是关心(regard)异性同事朋友的,而且每个男人也都是在关心异性同事朋友,但是并不是每个男人都善于关心异性同事朋友. 如果想关心而不关心,那么可能会被异性同事朋友认为有性骚扰的嫌疑,

    2. 注视:最经常地表露注视(regard)的东西,就是两个眼球凝聚在我的身上. 但是,它也完全可以因树枝的沙沙声,寂静中的脚步声,百叶窗的微缝,窗帘的轻微幌动而表现出来. 军事袭击时,在灌树丛匍葡前进的人们所要逃避的注视,不是双眼,

    3. 视为:1608 refuse 拒绝 | 1609 regard 视为 | 1610 regret 后悔

    1. 认为;把…看作
        If you regard someone or something as being a particular thing or as having a particular quality, you believe that they are that thing or have that quality.


        e.g. He was regarded as the most successful Chancellor of modern times...
        e.g. I regard creativity both as a gift and as a skill.

    2. 对…怀有(某种感情);以(某种感情)看待
        If you regard something or someone with a feeling such as dislike or respect, you have that feeling about them.


        e.g. He regarded drug dealers with loathing...
        e.g. Displays of emotion are regarded with suspicion...

    3. (以某种方式)看,注视
        If you regard someone in a certain way, you look at them in that way.


        e.g. She regarded him curiously for a moment...
        e.g. The clerk regarded him with benevolent amusement.

    4. 尊重;重视;敬爱
        If you have regard for someone or something, you respect them and care about them. If you hold someone in high regard, you have a lot of respect for them.

        e.g. I have a very high regard for him and what he has achieved...
        e.g. There were armed people about, people with little regard for human life...

    5. 问候,致意(尤用于信中表示问好)
        Regards are greetings. You use regards in expressions such as best regards and with kind regards as a way of expressing friendly feelings towards someone, especially in a letter.

        e.g. Give my regards to your family...
        e.g. My best regards to Mary.

    6. 至于;关于
        You can use as regards to indicate the subject that is being talked or written about.

        e.g. As regards the war, Haig believed in victory at any price.

    7. 关于;至于
        You can use with regard to or in regard to to indicate the subject that is being talked or written about.

        e.g. The department is reviewing its policy with regard to immunisation.

    8. 在这/那方面;就这/那一点
        You can use in this regard or in that regard to refer back to something that you have just said.

        e.g. In this regard nothing has changed...
        e.g. I may have made a mistake in that regard.


    1. 认为;把…看作
        If you regard someone or something as being a particular thing or as having a particular quality, you believe that they are that thing or have that quality.


        e.g. He was regarded as the most successful Chancellor of modern times...
        e.g. I regard creativity both as a gift and as a skill.

    2. 对…怀有(某种感情);以(某种感情)看待
        If you regard something or someone with a feeling such as dislike or respect, you have that feeling about them.


        e.g. He regarded drug dealers with loathing...
        e.g. Displays of emotion are regarded with suspicion...

    3. (以某种方式)看,注视
        If you regard someone in a certain way, you look at them in that way.


        e.g. She regarded him curiously for a moment...
        e.g. The clerk regarded him with benevolent amusement.

    4. 尊重;重视;敬爱
        If you have regard for someone or something, you respect them and care about them. If you hold someone in high regard, you have a lot of respect for them.

        e.g. I have a very high regard for him and what he has achieved...
        e.g. There were armed people about, people with little regard for human life...

    5. 问候,致意(尤用于信中表示问好)
        Regards are greetings. You use regards in expressions such as best regards and with kind regards as a way of expressing friendly feelings towards someone, especially in a letter.

        e.g. Give my regards to your family...
        e.g. My best regards to Mary.

    6. 至于;关于
        You can use as regards to indicate the subject that is being talked or written about.

        e.g. As regards the war, Haig believed in victory at any price.

    7. 关于;至于
        You can use with regard to or in regard to to indicate the subject that is being talked or written about.

        e.g. The department is reviewing its policy with regard to immunisation.

    8. 在这/那方面;就这/那一点
        You can use in this regard or in that regard to refer back to something that you have just said.

        e.g. In this regard nothing has changed...
        e.g. I may have made a mistake in that regard.

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