
  • reimbursement

    英:[ˌri:ɪm'bɜ:smənt]   美: [ˌriɪmˈbə:smənt] 

    reimbursement 基本解释

    名词补偿; 赔偿; 退还,偿还

    reimbursement 网络解释

    1. 偿付:11从信用证交易的整体过程来看,一般涉及到三种不同的付款地点:第一,开证行或其代理行向受益人付款的地点;第二,开证行与代理行之间进行偿付(reimbursement)的地点;第三,开证申请人向开证行付款赎单的地点.

    2. 付还:依据本章所指规定的拨款或依合同下而产生的款项支付可以(在对以前所作的超额支付或不足额支付作必要的帐务调整后)事先进行支付或事后补偿以付还(Reimbursement)的方法支付(在对以前所作的超额支付或不足额支付作必要的帐务调整(Adjustments on Account)后),

    1. 赔付;偿付;赔偿
        If you receive reimbursement for money that you have spent, you get your money back, for example because the money should have been paid by someone else.

        e.g. She is demanding reimbursement for medical and other expenses...
        e.g. It can take up to six months before reimbursements are paid.


    1. 赔付;偿付;赔偿
        If you receive reimbursement for money that you have spent, you get your money back, for example because the money should have been paid by someone else.

        e.g. She is demanding reimbursement for medical and other expenses...
        e.g. It can take up to six months before reimbursements are paid.

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