
  • reminder

    英:[rɪˈmaɪndə(r)]   美: [rɪˈmaɪndər] 

    reminder 基本解释

    名词令人回忆起…的东西; 提醒…的东西; (告知该做某事的)通知单; 提示信


    reminder 相关例句


    1. reminder

    1. I've had another reminder from the library.

    reminder 网络解释

    1. 日程提醒:E-MAIL :电子邮件 | REMINDER :日程提醒 | BUSYTONE :忙音

    1. 提示;使人回忆起某事的事物
        Something that serves as a reminder of another thing makes you think about the other thing.

        e.g. The British are about to be given a sharp reminder of what fighting abroad really means...
        e.g. Violence has broken out in the capital, a stark reminder that the religious tensions are refusing to go away.

    2. 缴费单;催缴单;催缴通知
        A reminder is a letter or note that is sent to tell you that you have not done something such as pay a bill or return library books.

        e.g. ...the final reminder for the gas bill.


    1. 提示;使人回忆起某事的事物
        Something that serves as a reminder of another thing makes you think about the other thing.

        e.g. The British are about to be given a sharp reminder of what fighting abroad really means...
        e.g. Violence has broken out in the capital, a stark reminder that the religious tensions are refusing to go away.

    2. 缴费单;催缴单;催缴通知
        A reminder is a letter or note that is sent to tell you that you have not done something such as pay a bill or return library books.

        e.g. ...the final reminder for the gas bill.

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