
  • representative

    英:[ˌreprɪˈzentətɪv]   美: [ˌrɛprɪˈzɛntətɪv] 

    representative 基本解释

    名词代表; 继任者; 议员; 类似物

    形容词有代表性的; 典型的; 代议制的; 相当[类似](另一种属)的

    representative 相关例句


    1. representative什么意思

    1. The representatives were all amazed by what had happened in the factory.

    2. This case is representative of the attitudes of the police.


    1. She is the club's representative at the convention.

    2. representative的翻译

    2. The tiger is a common representative of the cat family.

    representative 网络解释

    1. 代表性的:不过它不是有代表性的(representative)调查,因为抽样的群体中,每一小组的大小和美国总人口中群体的构成是不成比例的. 受教育水平低的和乡村的小组中,样本很少,几乎没有代表. 有些小组,事实上根本没有代表性,

    2. representative的解释

    2. (有)代表性(的):不过它不是有代表性的(representative)调查,因为抽样的群体中,每一小组的大小和美国总人口中群体的构成是不成比例的. 受教育水平低的和乡村的小组中,样本很少,几乎没有代表. 有些小组,事实上根本没有代表性,

    3. 代表性:注意文献回顾的完整性(exhaustive)、代表性(representative)与相关性(relevant). 新的方法 问题 方法 原创性(Originality)强调题目或研究方法的新

    1. 代表;代理人
        A representative is a person who has been chosen to act or make decisions on behalf of another person or a group of people.


        e.g. ...trade union representatives...
        e.g. Employees from each department elect a representative.

    2. 销售代表;销售代理
        A representative is a person whose job is to sell a company's products or services, especially by travelling round and visiting other companies.

        e.g. She had a stressful job as a sales representative.

    3. 由代表组成的;代议制的
        A representative group consists of a small number of people who have been chosen to make decisions on behalf of a larger group.

        e.g. The new head of state should be chosen by an 87 member representative council.
        e.g. ...the institutions of a representative government.

    4. 典型的;有代表性的
        Someone who is typical of the group to which they belong can be described as representative .

        e.g. He was in no way representative of dog-trainers in general.
        e.g. ...fairly representative groups of adults.

    ...a process designed to ensure the representativeness of the sample interviewed.
    为保证抽样的对象具有代表性而设计的过程 词典解释

    1. 代表;代理人
        A representative is a person who has been chosen to act or make decisions on behalf of another person or a group of people.


        e.g. ...trade union representatives...
        e.g. Employees from each department elect a representative.

    2. 销售代表;销售代理
        A representative is a person whose job is to sell a company's products or services, especially by travelling round and visiting other companies.

        e.g. She had a stressful job as a sales representative.

    3. 由代表组成的;代议制的
        A representative group consists of a small number of people who have been chosen to make decisions on behalf of a larger group.

        e.g. The new head of state should be chosen by an 87 member representative council.
        e.g. ...the institutions of a representative government.

    4. 典型的;有代表性的
        Someone who is typical of the group to which they belong can be described as representative .

        e.g. He was in no way representative of dog-trainers in general.
        e.g. ...fairly representative groups of adults.

    ...a process designed to ensure the representativeness of the sample interviewed.

    representative 情景对话


    A:Hello. This is a representative of Zhongyou Department Store.Sir, everything now is offered with a great discount.I am sure you would like to know more about it.


    B:I am sorry. I am not free right now.

    A:Sir, this offer will expire this week.This is the last chance you can get up to 60 percent discount.


    B:Sorry, I'm very busy now.

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