
  • request

    英:[rɪˈkwest]   美: [rɪˈkwɛst] 

    request 基本解释

    request 相关词组

    1. on request : 被请求时;

    同义词: askrequisition

    request 相关例句


    1. They requested financial support.

    2. request的翻译

    2. Gentlemen are requested not to smoke.

    3. She requested him to go with her.


    1. I have a request to make of you.

    2. All my requests were granted.

    request 网络解释

    1. request

    1. 请求对象:该方法返回参数name所指定的属性值,如果不存在那个属性,则返回null值. 这些属性被绑定在当前的HTTP请求对象(request)上. 如果我们需要将某个属性绑定在request对象上,可以使用setAttribute()方法. 请参考setAttribute()方法的介绍.

    2. request:req; 请求

    1. 请求;要求
        If you request something, you ask for it politely or formally.

        e.g. Mr Dennis said he had requested access to a telephone...
        e.g. She had requested that the door to her room be left open.

    2. 请求…做;要求…做
        If you request someone to do something, you politely or formally ask them to do it.


        e.g. They requested him to leave...
        e.g. Students are requested to park at the rear of the Department.

    3. 请求;要求
        If you make a request, you politely or formally ask someone to do something.


        e.g. France had agreed to his request for political asylum...
        e.g. Vietnam made an official request that the meeting be postponed.

    4. 点播的乐曲
        A request is a song or piece of music which someone has asked a performer or disc jockey to play.

        e.g. If you have any requests, I'd be happy to play them for you.

    5. 应邀;应…的请求;按照…的要求
        If you do something at someone's request, you do it because they have asked you to.


        e.g. The evacuation is being organised at the request of the United Nations Secretary General.

    6. 一经要求;根据请求
        If something is given or done on request, it is given or done whenever you ask for it.

        e.g. Leaflets giving details are available on request...
        e.g. Chambermaids will bring an iron or hair dryer on request.


    1. 请求;要求
        If you request something, you ask for it politely or formally.

        e.g. Mr Dennis said he had requested access to a telephone...
        e.g. She had requested that the door to her room be left open.

    2. 请求…做;要求…做
        If you request someone to do something, you politely or formally ask them to do it.


        e.g. They requested him to leave...
        e.g. Students are requested to park at the rear of the Department.

    3. 请求;要求
        If you make a request, you politely or formally ask someone to do something.


        e.g. France had agreed to his request for political asylum...
        e.g. Vietnam made an official request that the meeting be postponed.

    4. 点播的乐曲
        A request is a song or piece of music which someone has asked a performer or disc jockey to play.

        e.g. If you have any requests, I'd be happy to play them for you.

    5. 应邀;应…的请求;按照…的要求
        If you do something at someone's request, you do it because they have asked you to.


        e.g. The evacuation is being organised at the request of the United Nations Secretary General.

    6. 一经要求;根据请求
        If something is given or done on request, it is given or done whenever you ask for it.

        e.g. Leaflets giving details are available on request...
        e.g. Chambermaids will bring an iron or hair dryer on request.

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