
  • romance

    英:[rəʊˈmæns]   美: [ˈroʊˈmæns] 

    romance 基本解释

    名词恋爱; 浪漫史; 爱情小说; 传奇色彩

    及物/不及物动词虚构; 渲染; 谈情说爱; 追求某人

    romance 相关例句


    1. French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese are Romance languages.


    1. romance的翻译

    1. His mother wouldn't have him romancing a scrubbing girl.


    1. romance的近义词

    1. They didn't want anyone to know about their romance.

    2. She liked to read romances.

    3. There was an air of romance about the old inn.

    romance 网络解释

    1. 爱情:成为家喻户晓的一首永恒恋曲,至今仍被广为传唱. 它的演唱者史蒂威.旺德是一个天生双目失明的人,他在27岁之前共获14项葛莱美奖,是美国七、八十年代最有影响的流行音乐家之一. 类 型: 喜剧(Comedy) / 爱情(Romance)

    1. 罗曼史;恋爱;风流韵事
        A romance is a relationship between two people who are in love with each other but who are not married to each other.

        e.g. After a whirlwind romance the couple announced their engagement in July.
        e.g. ...a holiday romance.

    2. 浪漫;爱意;温馨
        Romance refers to the actions and feelings of people who are in love, especially behaviour which is very caring or affectionate.


        e.g. He still finds time for romance by cooking candlelit dinners for his girlfriend...
        e.g. He takes a rather sceptical view of love and romance.

    3. 浪漫情调;传奇色彩
        You can refer to the pleasure and excitement of doing something new or exciting as romance .

        e.g. We want to recreate the romance and excitement that used to be part of rail journeys.

    4. 爱情故事;爱情小说;爱情电影
        A romance is a novel or film about a love affair.

        e.g. Her taste in fiction was for chunky historical romances.

    5. (统称)爱情小说
        Romance is used to refer to novels about love affairs.

        e.g. Since taking up writing romance in 1967 she has brought out over fifty books.

    6. (中世纪的)冒险故事,传奇文学
        A medieval romance is a story about adventures such as battles and long journeys.

        e.g. ...Arthurian Romances.

    7. 和…谈恋爱
        When a man romances a woman, he has a love affair with her.

        e.g. He has romanced some of the world's most eligible women.

    8. 罗曼语系的(由拉丁语演变而成的语言,如法语、西班牙语、意大利语等)
        Romance languages are languages such as French, Spanish, and Italian, which come from Latin.


    1. 罗曼史;恋爱;风流韵事
        A romance is a relationship between two people who are in love with each other but who are not married to each other.

        e.g. After a whirlwind romance the couple announced their engagement in July.
        e.g. ...a holiday romance.

    2. 浪漫;爱意;温馨
        Romance refers to the actions and feelings of people who are in love, especially behaviour which is very caring or affectionate.


        e.g. He still finds time for romance by cooking candlelit dinners for his girlfriend...
        e.g. He takes a rather sceptical view of love and romance.

    3. 浪漫情调;传奇色彩
        You can refer to the pleasure and excitement of doing something new or exciting as romance .

        e.g. We want to recreate the romance and excitement that used to be part of rail journeys.

    4. 爱情故事;爱情小说;爱情电影
        A romance is a novel or film about a love affair.

        e.g. Her taste in fiction was for chunky historical romances.

    5. (统称)爱情小说
        Romance is used to refer to novels about love affairs.

        e.g. Since taking up writing romance in 1967 she has brought out over fifty books.

    6. (中世纪的)冒险故事,传奇文学
        A medieval romance is a story about adventures such as battles and long journeys.

        e.g. ...Arthurian Romances.

    7. 和…谈恋爱
        When a man romances a woman, he has a love affair with her.

        e.g. He has romanced some of the world's most eligible women.

    8. 罗曼语系的(由拉丁语演变而成的语言,如法语、西班牙语、意大利语等)
        Romance languages are languages such as French, Spanish, and Italian, which come from Latin.

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