
  • saw

    英:[sɔ:]   美: [sɔ] 

    saw 基本解释

    名词锯; 谚语,格言

    及物/不及物动词往复移动; 锯成; 用锯; 拉锯

    动词看见( see的过去式); 观看; 领会; 考虑

    saw 相关例句


    1. saw什么意思

    1. The dead branches were sawed off.

    2. saw在线翻译

    2. He sawed the wood into three pieces.

    saw 网络解释

    1. 锯:如同<<邪2>>一般,影片并不走心灵惊悚路线,而是以强烈视觉震撼,进而挑战观者的滨吐程度,辅以一场场有如(甚至超过)<<夺魂锯>>(Saw)般的残忍虐杀,赋予观者切肤般的同步痛感.

    2. 锯子:由於本身并没有限制玩家的创造力,因此解谜的手段极为多样化,举个例子,某关有一个星星挂在树上,你可以选择输入锯子(saw)将树锯断,又或者用ball(球)将星星砸下来.

    3. 声表面滤波器:经过各位的指点,此机已修好. 是IF声表面滤波器(SAW)不良. 在废旧主板上拆一个换上就好了. 感谢大家帮助!

    4. 表面声波:部分:一般介绍.标准值和试验条件.第1节:一般介绍和标准.第2节:试验条件1770 DIN IEC 60862-2-1992 表面声波(OFW)滤液器.第2部分:表面声波滤液器的应用指南(第3节)1771 DIN IEC 60862-3-1992 表面声波(SAW)滤波器.第3部分:


    5. saw:submerged-arc welding; 埋弧焊

    6. saw:using surface acoustic wave; 声表面波

    7. saw:surface water wave; 表面波


        A saw is a tool for cutting wood, which has a blade with sharp teeth along one edge. Some saws are pushed backwards and forwards by hand, and others are powered by electricity.

    3. 锯;用锯割开
        If you saw something, you cut it with a saw.

        e.g. He escaped by sawing through the bars of his cell...
        e.g. Your father is sawing wood.



        A saw is a tool for cutting wood, which has a blade with sharp teeth along one edge. Some saws are pushed backwards and forwards by hand, and others are powered by electricity.

    3. 锯;用锯割开
        If you saw something, you cut it with a saw.

        e.g. He escaped by sawing through the bars of his cell...
        e.g. Your father is sawing wood.

    saw 情景对话

    Skin somebody alive-(活剥某人的皮)

    A:What happened to Pat this morning? I saw him leave the classroom soon after the exam began.

    B:He was found cheating and was driven out.

    A:If the principal caught him cheating, he would skin him alive.

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